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  • there's no limit, it'll let you add them until your pc can't do it anymore, which is probably thousands

  • Of course, the lack of a developed scripting system (and don't get me started on integrating events and Python)

    just want to take a moment to double disagree.

    I made a stable multithousand line/event scripted thingy animator at one point, prior to alot of rojo's recent python tweaks and fixes. like all construct you have to learn the particulars of using it, but the scripting is very powerful. the second reason for disagreeing is scripting is actually not needed in construct to make almost any game. it's when you want to do something weird like drag and drop images onto your game or something, and there isn't a plugin for it yet.

    as to the original post:

    if you search for anything made by quazi, tokinsom, davioware, konjak, pyteo, zotged, arsonide, saint11, or mary jane for some of the more polished stuff. also, arima's rpg, if you can hunt down vids of that, to see more polished stuff. in that list you'll find a few different genres ranging from rpg, to infinite world space sim, to 3d thumbfighting, to shmup, to topdown survival horror.

    i think the previous answers were correct though. construct is very very young. it's been around for 4 years someone said? id say most active users haven't been here since the beginning, so factor the time it takes for them to get comfortable enough to tackle a large project, then either the time to tackle it alone, or build a team. so I think we're right around target :)

    also, I know a few of the aforementioned folks have been working on that killer game for a long time now. but definitely don't take it as construct being unable to handle it. the ide itself definitely has some kinks and quirks to work out, but it's superpowerful and flexible. I would say most 2d games out could have been created with construct, with the exception of vector graphics based games, assuming the user(s) had the time, and artists.


    ot-so-great support with data structures (whaddaya mean, you have to set array elements in the Event Sheet

    I believe there's a visual array editor someone made at one point. also not sure the limitations of the competitors in this area to be honest. but, you can use python for c-like data structures, and/or the s plugin

  • evgy: I have no clue what the gameplay is like, but wow those graphics look really awesome!

  • no need to make a new ship

    just make a private variable 'gunmode' or something

    and either set it 0 or 1 for different modes

    or set it to "front", "sides"

    and make all your gun placement events work testing the variables first

    if 'gunmode' == "front"

    -------set gun position to ship.imagepoint(1)


    -------set gun positions to ship.imagepoint(2)

  • that's looks really great meister! something I'd buy on steam on a whim just based on the screenshots

  • I guess this is the first time it's mentioned in the forums. but I'm going to be the one making the spriter construct classic plugin. i wanted to point out something about the way it will work with construct, and why it's a powerful tool. look at this image again:

    <img src="" border="0">

    now imagine this as a large sprite, animated and imported as individual frames in construct. it'd have this huge bounding box filled with alot of empty pixels above and below his sword. and if you made ten frames, you'd have that much vram, every one of those pixels in that square, probably upscaled to the next power of 2 size as well, for every frame of animation. a sprite that huge would eat up everything with a full set of animations, let alone an entire level with multiple characters.

    now look at the image again, and see the individual images like the parts of the arm and leg, and the head, and the sword as individual sprites or textures. this is how it will work when you import it into construct. aside from the the fact it will be less vram for all the individual pieces combined than it would for one frame of the normal way of animating, you can have 10,000 frames without adding additional vram. of course you're using additional system ram, but an insignificant amount because you're not storing textures, just coordinates and angles, so you're free to go pretty crazy with pretty big things.

    it's a very exciting plugin. I believe

    uses a similar system to make huge sprites, and there are other companies that have done it as well. but I don't think there's ever been a general purpose animator like this, that saves to a format that can be imported into multiple engines, and definitely nothing that you can use to make games with as easily as it will be in construct

  • To build the runtime with python scripting you need to uncomment "#define PYTHON" in stdafx.h and rename the built exe's to DX9_s, DX9_ps and DX9_pds.

    I won't be building the runtime anytime soon, but I am curious, what do you mean? does this mean when a cap has python enabled, it loads that alternate build/exe? or do you mean something else entirely?

  • I think it's awesome. I'm impressed by how complete it is. how long have you been working on this?

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  • You can set a custom collision mask in the picture editor by clicking on the weird icon

  • hey scidave. as far as debugging plugins, run the preview with the debug version of the plugin. and while it's running, before it crashes, you go into visual studio, and under debug on the menu select Attach to Process, and attach it to the temp.exe. you can click to the left of any line of code to add a breakpoint where the execution of the program will pause, and you can examine the contents of variables.

    also, in general, for many bugs, you don't need the debugger, you can examine the incorrect behavior, and figure out where it might be happening, and find an error in the logic of the code.

    oh, and as far as whether I'm still fixing bugs. no. not for now, not having profUIS prevented me from trying to fix a few bugs I was interested in fixing, also, it's going to be a while before I have time to attempt any fixes. but i'll gladly answer any questions about how something in the sdk works if I see them posted.

  • I bought it. I love that it gives you steam keys.

    Also, gives you a mincraft trial until 14th.   I was surprised how quickly that game starts getting interesting

  • thanks for the interest. but for now the answer is "when it's done" , and probably not for at least a year. should have the next tech video by the end of this year tho. it's going to be much closer to the final product, and will be of something made with the editor as opposed to the editor itself

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