Humble Bundle is back

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  • Anybody else catch the third Humble Indie Bundle yet? The pay-what-you-want sale goes on for the next 8 days and includes the following:


    -Crayon Physics



    -And Yet It Moves

    -Free Minecraft until August 14th

    and as of today -Steel Storm (available for download to everyone who already has the bundle too =P)

    It comes in DRM free installs, as well as Desura and Steam keys. Check it out here.

  • I've heard about this promotion via a GDC talk the two promoters of the bundle gave. The talk isn't that pertinent, but it seems to point a pattern. The more the promotion comes to its deadline, the more games and stuff are added (like the two bundle for the price of one).

    As you said, they already added another game to the bundle.

    8 Days to go, the million is almost obtained, I guess they will have another nice sum to offer to charity on this promotion.

    Considering the games, I'm personnaly not that attracted to them. I've tried hammerfall (awesome game, but very difficult imo).

    The others game don't appeal much to me, and I haven't been able to connect to steel storm's website and see what type of game it is. Guess their server suffered from sudden glory thanks to/because of the bundle.

  • I haven't been able to connect to steel storm's website and see what type of game it is. Guess their server suffered from sudden glory thanks to/because of the bundle.

    Same, I had to go to Steam to check it out. Glad I did though, can't wait to play it now.

  • I bought it. I love that it gives you steam keys.

    Also, gives you a mincraft trial until 14th.   I was surprised how quickly that game starts getting interesting

  • I bought it even before I read it here, I honestly barely had $1 in the bank when I bought it, so that's all I could give at the time (this is before they brought out bundle 2 with it and it's interesting that they gave me those 5 games also, so I got 10 games for $1 pretty good deal, steal storm is fun and so were a few of the others, worth the buck I spent, I guess I'm lucky and they are too because that almost was $1 they wouldn't have had! If I had $5 I might have paid that for all 10 of these games, but none of them to me would be games I would pay $10 a piece for, they just are not THAT great! Although 3 of them I might have paid up to $5 for. So $1 was still a pretty good deal I guess! I Recommend it to everyone! :)

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  • Someone mentioned steal storms website may be down so here is a link to a demo video...

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