I've registered. Of course I don't expect big earnings, but by introducing Construct 2 to a local community should be enough to afford me a new gadget. Or a pair or shoes. Or at the very least a pizza.
Okay, maybe paper tissues. At the very least.
For each element > append to text is one way to do it.
And the title could be more descriptive to get attention of people who know about the topic.
I believe you can invert conditions to that effect.
Chances are that if their browser doesn't support HTML5, it will still be too slow to run javascript game engines. Screw 'em, I say.
Implementation of indexOf is rather simple, since javascript already has a .indexOf array function, which gives the index of first occurrence of the given element. I've already provided an implementation in my Extra Expressions plugin as an expression (findToken). It was so simple I added case sensitivity mode for extra challenge!
There's also .lastIndexOf(), which returns the index of last matching element.
That one is kind of complex and can be done with invisible sprites, so-called "detectors", so kind of redundant.
Added the findToken expression.
text - str - text to tokenize
token - str - token to find
delimiter - str - delimiter to split text by
case sensitivity - int - case insensitive (0), case sensitive (1)
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Same reasons, I believe. There are simple workarounds and implementation would be tricky & taxing.
Especially the preloader library... thinkpixellab.com/pxloader
I believe that Construct 2 would benefit greatly from it :) Its license is MIT, too.
It is a browser game... If applications could manipulate the browser window at will, that could turn out to be incredibly annoying, such as those ads that resize your browser.
You mean within the context of html page?
Member since 16 Jan, 2009