But after playing with the Grid behavior in this .cap, I don't really think it's suited to a Pac-Man style game anyway... Pac-Man can turn on a dime, and Grid movement won't change direction until the object has reached the grid space it's heading for.
Okay now I know what you mean. Pacman should be able to do a 180 turn on a dime. I was thinking just about 90 degree turns. I figured I could grid movement to restrict the 90 degree turns to only when he gets to the actual corner. That way navigating the maze would be smoother. Well that part sort of worked (i.e. didn't work), but the 180 turns are a problem.
Edit: I forgot to mention that I think with Deadeye's manual input scheme I can do the collision checking that I was talking about and make it all work.
It turns out think was the operative word here.
So all in all I think I'm ready to abandon grid movement, but 8 direction movement is still too clunky. I always wind up getting caught on corners. Basically I'm back to square one. Maybe I could use the new custom movement when it comes out and just focus on the ghost movement for now.
Oh, here's the cap for the curious.