LittleStain It´s kind of the idea, but that example is tied to a grid and is forced to use custom movement behaviour. What I was looking for was something way simpler:
-A family has a variable that determines which "altitude" the object supposedly has (it only affects it´s Y)
-When a family member is created, it spawns a shadow sprite
The actual part where i´m having issues with:
-The object´s Y plus its "altitude" determines the shadow sprite´s Y
-Objects of this family can move their X and Y freely at all times, they aren´t tied to their shadow, it´s altitude is added without stopping any motion.
That is it. I just bringed up the "jumping" in the first place to show how the concept would adapt graphically to other things, the idea is that this system works for any desired sprite in any situation, because in previous attempts I had to make really hacky stuff to accomplish a rather buggy look. Yes, maybe jumping would be cool to add but the main concept is that simple.
I´ll try working around it if it´s too much to ask