Might want to take a look at Spriter, a multi-image editor designed specifically for this type of animation.
Plugin for C2 is in the works.
I take it that one means pull my finger?
Alternatively I'm pretty sure you can install Chrome Frame without admin permissions, which enables Chrome's latest HTML5 browser engine in IE8.
Works in 9 as well.
I would just make the cursor invisible, and use a sprite set position to the mouse x,y. For the jitter set the sprite position to mouse + random(-10,10).
You'll probably want to use a variable, like if variable = this set position, variable = that set position + random.
Yes, that is kind of strange. I recently had another issue with every x seconds.
For some reason it was interfering with picking in instances, and only worked for one instance.
Guess we might get Ashley to check that part out.
Its actually quite amazing what we can do with just two states.
If interested you might take a look at how things are built from simple logic.
Imagine what we could do with a third or even a forth state.
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Yeah, just use a variable for the return, and the start positions like:
object variable return =1
object set position to lerp(self.x,startx, 1-0.5^dt), lerp(self.y, starty,1-0.5^dt)
Yeah, there's no limitation on plugs. In fact, plugs really help keep the number of events down, so that with the fact that any one can dev plugs, we should see a ton of plugs eventually. Win, win situation.
Its an official plug, so you should already have it. Looks like a globe, down at the bottom of the list.
8 direction is made so that it can point to the direction its going.
Not sure why you are setting the angle, but if you check in the behaviors preferences, there are some options for how to set the angle.
There's two ways to do full screen now. Have you tried with the browser plug yet?
Also, you might try up-scaling the images, and scaling them down in C2.
Just had an epiphany. Rojo's canvas has the ability to create a base64 url...
Draw to, or paste to canvas, inject canvas into sprite....nice.
Only works without webgl atm though.
Member since 12 Nov, 2008