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  • I want the combobox to use some stuff, but either im missing something or it doesnt work properly.

    I set the condition on selection changed and a simple sound as action. And nothing!

    i tried on dropdown closed, dropdown opened and still nothing!

    I want to compare the selected text from the combobox to objects. So i can select the one needed. But without any succes. I mean i managed to compare a variable to the text in the combobox, but it just repeats actions even when i change to other.

    I tried even simpler compare with system, getselectedline == 2 do sound

    and when i press on 1 no sound

    press 2 sound

    but then i press 1 again and sound again, althought it shouldnt.

    Any help?

  • Simple event really...

    On right click of mouse button i moved an object to mouse position x and y.

    I place a button into a frame, and when i press the button.

    On right click of mouse button, the object doesn't move.

    Then i tried it in a fresh project, only one event.

    Move object to mouse position with right click of mouse. And a button that doesn't do anything.

    And when the button is pressed the event doesn't work, unless alt tabed.

  • Yeah, well i use photoshop and painter aswell, but when u need to make a sketch first or if u are making a small resoultion pixel art stuff, it's better to use built in program. And some ppl don't have money to buy photoshop or painter. So i m just saying, that if the picture editor is better, thats better for a lot of reasons.

    Esspecially if u are working with animation.

  • Resize tool also doesn't resize the picture, only the canvas-

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  • Well it would be pretty neat if the editor is better.

    One cool thing would be to have tablet support for pressure.

  • Trying to draw anything in the picture editor is not good.

    If the second mouse button is set to background, it doesn't delete. except with only bucket.

    There is no hand tool. There should be, most of the programs uses space.

    Color picker is awfully too small, except if u work on a small monitor.It should be at least twice as big, and even more on bigger resolutions.

    Color presets at the bottom cannot be modified.

    Wand tool must have more options, otherwise it's mostly useless.

    The whole picture window resets itself when opened again, it's annoying.

    There is no button to minimize or expand the window.

    Step is heavily bugged.

    Size, step, opacity applies to all tools, instead of just to the one u set it.

    There are no shortcuts for tools at all. This is a major setback if the second mouse button cannot delete.

    edge tool is also bugged.

    Text tool doesn't work.

    There is no layer options.

    Animator, unable to add frames directly in the editor, or copy them.

    There is no option to automatically create rotated, reversed, zoomed animations.

    There is no animation preview in the editor or the animator.

    The whole picture editor is quite useless for the time being. I know that gfx can be imported, but i like to work in the built in editors, because i can easily switch to game and back and see how the gfx go with the game, is it the correct size, are the colors matched, does it fits in the current scenario with other gfx. When animating, there must be more options, especially if animating a move for a character with more than 10 frames, i cannot see the animation while drawing it. I must first code it, and start the game each time i want to see how the animation is looking so far.

    The final conclusion is that the picture editor doesn't suffice enough for relaxed and serious graphic editing.

    Anyway. I wanted to ask if the picture editor is planned to be improved or redesigned. Since currently it's lacking almost any potential.

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