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  • actually i thought it's graphics aswell after i posted about cpu, but it just seemed a bit strechted, since it's not that big of a sprite. And i went checking out, and did some extensive testing and its the cpu. I even tried in a new cap with large objects and they are lot more cpu consuming than the smaller ones.

    And its all mostly just because of the collision type, changing from per pixel to bounding box, made a huge difference, now it's only a small drop in fps, completely unoticable even with 20 big ships moving at the same time.

    thought now i have a problem because the ships are not a big box, and i need per pixel collisions for bullets, so i will probably have to have another object attached to it for movement.

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  • yeah but isnt it faster to calculate a bigger grid size than a lower one...?

    this is written in construct wiki:

    Note that the smaller the cell size, the more CPU intensive the pathfinding calculations will be.

  • anyway i have in my game small ships with rts movement, they are 32x32 pixels and use 30x30 grid.

    About 20-30 of them can fly around without almost any decrease in fps whatsoever. I also tested 50 of them which is a lot more than you will actually ever encounter, and fps hardly even changed.

    But as i have made bigger ships that also use rts movement, they are 230x150 with 200x200 grid(i tried 300x300 aswell). Fps falls down to 20-30 from the max 60 and thats with only 4 of them moving.

    I did however noticed that if they do not avoid themselves the fps is at maximum.

    Probably i am doing something wrong or bigger objects dont work well with rts pathfinding.

    Now the question is since avoid moving over something ussually means move right into it. Would there be a better way to set up the rts movement when it comes to bigger objects.

  • Well, one thing I hate is introduce yourself on forums, but since i have started posting so many questions i might aswell introduce myself cause im bored and cant sleep. I learned to program in mmf2, started about 2-3 years ago. And so far I am really enjoying construct because it can do so much and has directx. I am pretty okay with graphics, i was in art school when i was young and drunk. Im still drunk but a bit older, 24 currently. I have always played games, i am a bit of an addict for pc games. And i have a long history of creating games since i was a kid, i have probably more experience creating games on paper than on pcs. And thats about it. I live in Croatia, Zagreb. Hurray!

  • Thanks, that is just what i needed. It works perfectly.

  • nah its actually the past, iv already set up the event i have both angles but i have no idea what condition to use to see if he camed from right or left.

  • It's an image of space, i v made in painter, its in jpeg format 6400x4800 resolution. And i can only import via animator import frames. Because construct crashes when i click the import button for importing images in the picture editor for some reason.

  • I have no idea how most those math stuff works.

    But i would like to compare two angles, both from the same object, but one angle is 100 miliseconds away, so basicly its two different angles if the object changed the angle.

    To see which way did the object turn to, left or right.

  • ati radeon hd 3870 512mb gddr4

    but anway it doesnt really matter, i thought that some object in construct might act as or similiar to backdrop in mmf, I did try the tile thing but its a lot of work setting them next to each other and everything so they form the final picture...

    I did however thought about not using the picture but to code the stars and import single objects for space stuff, like distant nebulas and planets. But it would be much faster and simpler if i could just import the picture.

  • Well, mmf2 imports large images without any problems, and actually without hardware acceleration. and if it's a backdrop object it doesnt affect performance aswell. But i havent noticed anything like that in construct. I did tried adding the picture tiled, but then i had a problem because the tiles at the edges were a bit off...

  • Sorry, here you go:

  • Due Orion

    It's still the old version until i resolve the new version...

    Anyway you can move about and around with arrow keys.

    Ingame screenshot:

    Graphics for the game, im still designing the interface...

    a bit rearanged and cleared up interface.

    Punch line.

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