Skyhunter's Forum Posts

  • set the zoom not the zoom rate... it's on the display not the layers...

    set zoom rate to 0% only on layers like the interface in case you are using zooming on map and you want to interface to remain the same.

  • Please fix the picture editor to memorize where it was, and at what zoom level.

    It is really the most annoying thing, it is completely unworkable. Every time i have to stretch it because it opens really small, like in the corner of my screen and is like so tiny, like 10 times smaller than my screen, and i have to center it then, and since most graphics are small pixel stuff i have to scroll a lot with my mouse! I have a big screen!!!!

    Also the recgtangle select is not very precise, it shows a pixel off or whatever than what it selects.

    And the brush with opacity should have an option not to draw over areas that are not at 100% opacity.

    I am still importing well to be honest most if not all the graphics but it's silly why the picture editor shouldn't be improved.

  • i accidentally copied some objects into non layout, it's a bug, someone should look into it,,, the only way to delete them is to delete all other objects and then using object bar puting them into a layer and deleting them

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  • Ability to change settings in game, such as rotating speed, acceleration and decceleration.

  • I think you could put a restriciton to rotating, put the angledifference as timer countdown before it is able to turn to other side, meaning it must slow down by decreasing angledifference before it can rotate to other side...

  • Due orion

    I am still having troubles with some coding issues, but until i resolve them i made some graphics for the interface, and some ships and stuff.

    From alpha version:

    <img src="">

    Interface stuff:

    cleared up interface:

    I am still pondering about how should the interface be arranged, althought i still dont know this early what controls and info will be displayed on the interface so it is not a final look. Im sorry if the pictures are a bit high res, but im making the game in a high wide res...

  • how do i change during the game things for rts behavior...

    I can change max speed, but i can't change rotate speed or cell size, or acceleration or decceleration.

  • Well, yes it works whilst it's not in a loop, but i need to loop all the objects and put the distance from the second closest into a variable into each one...

    Nevermind, i had a stroke of genius or something, used that function thingy again, which deselected the object but remained in the loop...

    Thanks for all the input guys.

  • well thanks lucid for trying but there is no way this is possible, i tried like anything and everything.

    Ok maybe it is but i will have to sleep on it and kick my ass aswell. Maybe then!

  • Here's a way to do it with one global variable and two events:

    + Sprite: Pick closest to: MouseX, MouseY
    -> System: Set global variable 'notthis' to Sprite.UID
    + Sprite: [negated] Sprite: Unique ID is global('notthis')
    + Sprite: Pick closest to: MouseX, MouseY[/code:1ddaobb1]

    I did that myself in the first place but it doesn't work, mostly because it still pick closest to mouse.x even with first negation event, its like however i decide to outrule the first one from picking it, it is still picked.

    And the most problem is because i have multiple blocks and enemies. Actually just finding the closest enemy from enemy would suffice and actually would be the best description of what i am trying to do but i wouldnt know how do that aswell, as pick closest does not negate the first object that was negated by any other condition.

    But actually i got an idea of how would i do it, i just have to check it out...

  • is there a way to simply select second closest.

    I tried to deselect first by using

    'block' variable not equal to enemy.uid

    pick closest 'block'

    But it does nothing because it still picks the closest block and the condition never suceeds...

    because the closest block is equal to enemy.uid,

    but how could i rule out the closest one within the condition so i dont have to do too much events for this.? Mostly cause this is already within a loop and to iterate it is pretty much asking for trouble. If thats the correct term.

  • I am going for 7 days, when im back i will post some more content for the game, so far i have added more ships and turrets, support for player changing ships during game, aswell the ability to fly any ships and have the same movement values as the ai when using them, also coded the animation for turrets and engines, ships are now properly destroyed. And the ships can now belong to a faction.

  • actually i thought it's graphics aswell after i posted about cpu, but it just seemed a bit strechted, since it's not that big of a sprite. And i went checking out, and did some extensive testing and its the cpu. I even tried in a new cap with large objects and they are lot more cpu consuming than the smaller ones.

    And its all mostly just because of the collision type, changing from per pixel to bounding box, made a huge difference, now it's only a small drop in fps, completely unoticable even with 20 big ships moving at the same time.

    thought now i have a problem because the ships are not a big box, and i need per pixel collisions for bullets, so i will probably have to have another object attached to it for movement.

  • yeah but isnt it faster to calculate a bigger grid size than a lower one...?

    this is written in construct wiki:

    Note that the smaller the cell size, the more CPU intensive the pathfinding calculations will be.

  • anyway i have in my game small ships with rts movement, they are 32x32 pixels and use 30x30 grid.

    About 20-30 of them can fly around without almost any decrease in fps whatsoever. I also tested 50 of them which is a lot more than you will actually ever encounter, and fps hardly even changed.

    But as i have made bigger ships that also use rts movement, they are 230x150 with 200x200 grid(i tried 300x300 aswell). Fps falls down to 20-30 from the max 60 and thats with only 4 of them moving.

    I did however noticed that if they do not avoid themselves the fps is at maximum.

    Probably i am doing something wrong or bigger objects dont work well with rts pathfinding.

    Now the question is since avoid moving over something ussually means move right into it. Would there be a better way to set up the rts movement when it comes to bigger objects.