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  • Thank you R0J0hound. The information you provided is very helpful. I will try to do particle physics only on the surface of the water. And a some rectangles and polygons for below the surface. Maybe I will post my results on this topic and get some feedback.

    By the way you were right about the footage. I've posted the wrong video which was probably a rendered video. Definitely not interactive. For people who might visit this page in the future, I will post the real interactive Ad footage here. (which is very annoying to record, because when you click to play on the Ad, it forwards you to App Store page of the game because of the click).

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  • How do you think this water was made? It is a playable interactive Ad from Royal Match. Where you rescue a character by moving bodies of water. I am interested only in the water mechanics.

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    Do you think it uses meta-ball physics, similar to this tutorial here?


    How would you make a water system similar to the interactive Ad above?

    What kind of tricks would you use to make it performant?

    What kind of shader would you use?

    Thanks in advance!

    PS: i want to make flooding water mechanic for my levels in a 2d platform. But it can use pseudo(fake)-physics too. Hence the question :)

  • Further information:

    I can only get rid of this weird glowing effect (which I don't see on the tutorial) on WebGL preview by;

    changing the RGB Color value of sprite to white and then changing all sprite instances color value to desired blue color. only then I can get a flat color. without glowing whites around it.

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  • Hello,

    I was following this water physics tutorial. Which uses Alpha-Clamp Effect on an entire water layer.


    The tutorial is 4 years old. Maybe WebGL changed its rendering since then. But I get a different result from what I see on his screen.

    (I also get a different visual result on preview (WegbGL2) compared to what I see on my own Construct Editor. )

    Could anyone clarify for me why rendering of my water-drops change when i hit preview. Compared to what he sees when he hits preview?

    I will be providing visuals now. Screenshots from my machine.

  • I can not find API reference for Custom Movement Behaviour for scripting. Inside the manual. Can anyone help please? Where is it?

    There is only one example project for it. And it does not contain any Javascript code. It only has code blocks. Where can find examples or references of Javascript API of Custom Movement Behaviout?

  • Okay I tested it. If anyone else is wondering like myself. I'll put the answer here.

    I simulated jumps on different objects which only had Platform Behaviors on them . And compared their Peak Heights in Pixels:

    Max-Speed ,Acceleration and Deceleration have no effect on the Vertical Movement.

    Only Gravity, Max-Fall-Speed and Jump-Sustain are effecting the Vertical Movement.


  • Hello. I have a question about Platform Behaviour. I want to know more about Acceleration and Decelaration variables of the Platform Behaviour.

    Do Acceleration/Decelaration also apply to Vertical Speed over time?

    Or do they only apply to Horizontal Movement(Platformer.VectorX)?

    I am asking because i want to calculate the exact peak height my character will reach. Before my character actually jumps. So that i can design my levels and obstacles accordingly.

    So i need to know if gravity is the only Force that is acting on my Platform Behaviour (only in the context of Vertical Movement on the Y axis) ?

    Or are there any hidden Forces that the behaviour calculates that i should be aware of?

    thank you in advance people.

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Member since 20 Nov, 2023

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