"sphere6.js" has bones for some odd reasons, you exported the model wrong and it's giving me an error. you should be getting this error too unless you're using an old Q3D version.
It's not clear to me what the issue is, that Q3D master wont become invisible? whats happening is setting invisible to true just doesn't wipe the canvas when in behind/infront rendermode but prevents any new renders, and since the css styling to hide it only occurs if the object renders (and visibility is true) changing layouts was causing a weird error, it was an oversight that i'll fix. It has nothing to do with euler angles etc. not working however, it's just that "invisible" doesn't clear the canvas in this specific case, so the image that was there when it was made "invisible" stays.
i'll upload a minor update at the end of the week or something that fixes this and some other little bugs i've found