megatronx :
I saw your link for "the power oh HTML 5". Have you read all the critics of this article ?... Copy/past of many reactions :
The real issue isn�t that the HTML 5 Canvas isn�t capable of a lot of things that Flash can do, but the fact it typically takes a huge amount of JavaScript to do so whereas in Flash typically you don�t need to code as much and in many cases you can just use movieclips and the timeline to your advantage.
I agree with some of the other comments that if someone built an IDE capable of making complex animations as simple as using Flash, then I�d be more agreeable to the HTML 5 Canvas getting some traction later on.
You still have to account for people though that shutoff JavaScript though. I know people that turn off JavaScript in their browsers because of the trouble it can cause.
This is 20.000 particules running in Flash: � your 1500-low-framerate-demo is cute, as well as the other demos. And I would have seriously consider that in 2001. Thanks for sharing!
Exactly.. and by the way, that demo would run extremely smoothly with the CPU power of the iPad, but Jobs is protecting his precious AppStore business model and won�t allow Flash.
HTML5 is cute. I�ve seen some nice effects that remind me of Shockwave in 1995. But to suggest that it even comes close to Flash is just hilariously ignorant. is the notion that the iPad can�t handle Flash.
The lack of Flash on the iPhone is a business decision, period. And what�s funny is the legions of iPhone fanboyz who defend this decision as if it�s based on tech reasons.
Flash owns. As does Android.
.... and so and so and so...
There is just 5 or 6 "hey that's fun"...
I don't know how you will make exporters Ashley. But i think it is a wrong way : many exporter with little team = lack of time to make debug, add-ons ... It would be more interestant to have just one run time that could be run of many different system ? no ? Like Shiva ?
MMF make that and what appens ? 3 ou 4 guys work and work (very well) but it is very hard and there are late, very late. and there are all senior programmer will a very high skill.