The first day i was playing with construct.
I expected a loop like this:
To work.
This to demonstrate how dumb i was as beginner.
i can imagine more beginners have a hard time to pass on this.
And i probably still get some eyes that cant believe what they see (or more dont see) happen in this .cap
it should work, right ?
In event 3there is a loop from 1 to 10.
It displays its counter in a text box. 10 - the loop counter should show a counter gooing from 9 to zero.
There is a inner loop in event 4 counting from 1 to 999.
So for every step in the first loop, there is also the inner loop counting to 999. Displaying its counter in another text box. Its counts 10 times to 999, or it should.
This last loop should work as a "slow downer", so we should be able to see count the first loop on screen !!
Well it does not work ?
Well the good news is. It does work !. We just can not see it.
Conclusion: we can not use loops to move/change things on screen. Well thats true in most cases, but that conclusion is not 100% correct.
In this topic i will try to explain what exactly happens. So you as beginner can get along with loops.
One warning though: i will not be 100% correct. That would take a big book.
So i will simplify things. I must understand it myself, and the goal is to explain it to beginners.
So plz, you hard core constructors, dont be on my **** ! ty : )
There is more then 1 actor involved in this story.
And by now, people that followed me trough the other tutorials, know that i can not explain without naming things.
So let me introduce you to "The Big Brother Loop"