OK now.
Lets say an average computer will be able to display 80 frames / second.
Or 80FPS.
But The Big Brother Loop is able to run like 2000 Ticks / second, also depending on the speed of your hardware.
Thats more then 200 times faster !!
If we give The Big Brother Loop the freedom to run uncaged, it will possible encounter 2 problems.
On beam based monitors (not LCD's), it will happen that the events are in a different Tick on different places on the screen.
Since it will pass the beam in speed several times, on top of the screen we will be in tick1, in the middle we will be in tick 2, on bottom we will be in tick 3.
This will show as flicker. As horizontal moving objects to move in 2 pieces. As 1001 artifacts. As vertical moving objects to be twice on the screen.
It will choke the GPU. Since it offers the GPU new material while the GPU is still rendering the last image. The GPU will not accept, and will do this in a kinda random way. Because some images take more time to render then others. Result: shaky movements.
The only solution we have with todays devices is to CAGE The Big Brother Loop so it will be exactly as fast as the Frame Rate for your computer.
We know when every device in the computer is ready to accept a new image/frame when those devices generate a Vertical Sync. A vertical sync is no more then a electric pulse identified by its form so we can read it as " The pulse that says this is the end of 1 image".
There are other electric pulses that say "this is the end of a line". They have a different form. That between the lines.
So, in reality ...
The Big Brother Loop completes 1 Tick, then waits patiently till it gets a V-pulse. When the V-pulse happens, it starts over at the top of events to complete its 2dn Tick. At the end of the 2nd Tick, it will wait again for the next V-pulse.
This process of waiting to get in step (in sync) with the displaying device we call V-Sync.
And you can forget all i said, if you see it as Video-Sync.
As The Big Brother Loop waiting for the Video to display a complete frame.