The only globals I think I have are the objects found in the Object Manager layout.
Those don't need to be global in the first place! But the most messed up stuff is in your character selection, which is responsible for most problems. The objects femaledata + maledata are both global too, plus they have freaking RTS movement assigned to them. So do your player sprites in that layout. And this messes things up A LOT. Took me more than half an hour to figure this out, so you owe me now!
So at the very least do the following to fix things:
1. Remove the global attribute of basically all the sprites that have it!
- male + female + player circle in the Object Manager layout
-femaledata + maledate in the CharSelect layout
2. Remove unnecessary RTS behaviors:
- femaledata + maledata + femalepersona + malepersona in the CharSelect layout
3. Use a global for gender selection. A global variable that is!
You'll have to change some events around for this of course in the Hero Movement event sheet. Also change the spawning which I mentioned in my earlier post.
4. Delete all MouseKeyboad objects which are not named "GlobalMouseKeyboard".
Remove the global attribute of your control object GlobalMouseKeyboard. Copy it to all layouts where it isn't already located. Remove all events you can find that are spawning GlobalMouseKeyboard objects!!!
5. You will still need to change a few events around for this stuff to work properly. I believe some events in the CharSelect sheet use different MouseKeyboard objects.
After I did all this, the game worked as intended... finally.