Far as I'm concerned, the behaviors and all the built in stuff are to blame. Most other engines have you make your own platform engines and such, as well as level editors, data tools, etc. With C2 you don't really learn much of anything...so if you start with C2 you'll likely always be a "noob". Not to say I don't appreciate behaviors and all, but ultimately we'd be better off with more features to make our own exactly how we want..
Can't say I quite agree with you on this one. Overly relying on behaviors will indeed leave you in the dark on how certain things actually work. But the way the C2 event system works will teach you a lot about programming in general. Because it is just that: programming. Without having to care about syntax.
Regarding many things you can apply the same logic to jump into Javascript (for example)relatively quickly. And that will enable you to do your own plugins. Which then enables you to do even more things exactly how you want.
So I do believe you can start out with C2 and it isn't a given that you'll always stay a "noob".
Anyway, from the OP I rather got the idea this was a casual thread about things that can be annoying in development and hard to figure out, especially if you're not a rather math savvy coder type. Which would be a far greater issue if it wasn't for C2 of course. Many if not the majority of users wouldn't be developing games if it wasn't for Construct.
That being said, I also do know the feeling very well not being able to figure something out that seemed trivial when you were planning it in your head. It's easy to feel stupid and overthink stuff in an endeavor as complex as game development. And I do bet it also happens to people with a real coding background from time to time.