MtnHermit's Recent Forum Activity

  • This is really cool, like the minimal visual design, and sweet music.

  • This is really cool, really like the minimalistic visual design, and the music.

  • Ya, the rotation is fine. I need the strafing left and right with regard to objects rotation. Eh, I was hoping I was just missing a setting or something simple, I guess it's likely I'll just have to use some events for it.

  • Hi all,

    Just looking to see if there is an easy way to move an object with regard to the objects own orientation instead of along the layouts x y axis. For example, if an object was rotated 45 degrees, and I used the 8 dir movement behavior, currently the object will move straight left along the layout's x axis if I simulate left input.

    I know I could just use "move at angle" action, but was wondering if there was an easier way to get movement (with acceleration, decel) identical to the objects settings for 8 dir movement behavior. Some objects I use move with regard to the layouts axis, and others I want to move with regard to their own rotation, so it would be convenient to have the same consistency of movement without trying to simulate this through too events. Thanks!

  • Ashley is there a way to force webgl acceleration within the phonegap build? I read accessing the chrome://flags in the browser allows the change, but my problem occurs in the actual phonegap build, not in the browser local network test.

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  • I have tested the whole time on this mobile device, using testing on a local network on both the mobile chrome browser and one other browser since I started the project, and have always had great performance. That is part of the reason I have just been wondering if anyone has more insight on what causes the slowdown in the actual build.

    I was under the impression testing on the mobile browser would give an accurate idea of how the actual build would perform, but I guess I should have been making test builds throughout the development process.

    Ashley Canvas is hardware accelerated, webgl is unavailable. I have enabled webgl effects in my project, but do not actually use any webgl effects in the project. I will try to find a webgl capable device to test performance on and see if there is a difference.

    Thanks for the input so far.

  • Cordova export, testing on a droid bionic running Android version 4.1.2

  • I was under the impression it had alot to do with performance, but looking into it more it seems a wide range of other factors could be influencing performance.

    Regardless, in the build of the smaller game, even my title screen layout, with 2 animated sprites, one event (checking for a touch to then load next layout), and one background image, seems to be running less than 5 fps.

    I'm mainly wondering what might be part of the cause of it.

  • I have to different projects that I have been trying different android builds of using various methods (crosswalk, cocoonjs & io, and phonegap).

    For one game with C2 displaying an about 125 mb memory use, which I expected to run really slowly, I'm getting about 60fps on my test device. For another game with about 25mb, I am getting about 2 fps.

    Can't figure out what the difference is. Tried so many settings changes, all project settings for the smaller (and slower) game I changed to mimic the faster, larger game, no box2d physics, everything I could think of.

    Anyone know what behaviors or objects or settings tend to slow down phonegap builds?

    I know alot of people have experienced unusable framerates from phonegap, so when I had this larger memory use game actually performing great I was really suprised. I really want to figure out what the difference is, especially given how easy a phonegap build is compared to something like ludei's cocoon.

  • Has anyone been able to get a proper build with one of Cranberry's Cordova plugins using phonegap?

    I've been trying to get it to work, upload zip to build on phonegap, but it comes back with the message that the plugin is not supported. I edited the .xml file according to what I think I understand to be the instructions included on Cranberry's plugin site, but still getting the same message.

    Are these 3rd party plugins simply not supported for phonegap, or am I missing something?


  • Wow, nice trailer!

  • Well, I uploaded an alpha demo of the game to Let me know what you think. I have been having a hard time making good progress on the game lately, and have had some setbacks on it for sure.

    Been prototyping some other games, and trying not to get too distracted so I can maintain focus and actually finish this. Let me know what you think of the demo, it's just twenty (short) levels, I figured people wouldn't likely play that long through it at this point.

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Member since 3 Mar, 2015

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