MtnHermit's Recent Forum Activity

  • This looks awesome. Another vote in support of the high res. I like all your minimalistic aesthetic to your work, it's definitely got alot of appeal. Stoked to see more.

  • Here's a couple gifs from the trailer as well :

    I also posted some music for the game on bandcamp if you want to check it out. It's just two tracks, some pseudo chiptune stuff. But while I was burnout on the game it was definitely a nice change of pace.[/code:y67src0l]
    I'm working on putting out a demo in the next short while, really looking forward to some feedback.
  • Getting ready for a demo of Frenzied Dungeon, and (ideally) a release not too long after. Hope some people here will help test it out. Would love some input.

    I also made some sweet chiptune music for it, and uploaded 2 tracks to bandcamp now, let me know what you think![/code:qpowy78v]
    (Someday soon I'll be able to post urls... haha     )
  • Just uploaded a trailer for Frenzied Dungeon onto youtube:

    Let me know what you think! Thanks!

  • Just added the first trailer for the game on youtube!

    Trying to finish up and release by the end of September, check it out and let me know what you think. Thanks!

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  • Thanks guys.

    I went through the whole troubleshooting Construct 2's preview server"" guide, with no luck though.

    I'll look into upgrading my operating system.

  • Well, ended up reverting to version 195, and it works now. Would still love to update though. Relieved I can keep working now, but still...

  • Thanks. I'm pretty sure XP is still supported. The idea of upgrading kinda makes me cringe.

    Ran cmd, and netstat command for active connections, checked port 50000 and is listed as open and listening, cannot figure out what the problem is.

    Edit: Tried DMZ option in router to bypass the routers on firewall settings to see if it was an issue, no luck.

  • Problem Description

    Just bought C2 and upgraded to the most recent stable version (206 32 bit). My preview doesn't work anymore. Tried the LAN preview as well, and am getting no results. The localhost preview doesn't come up with any error message, and refuses to load anything (no splash loader screen), and LAN only comes up with "The connection was reset". Same error in both Firefox and Chrome.

    Tried the obvious, restarts of Construct and browsers, restart computer, tried LAN preview, changed ports (tried multiple ports range from 49153 to 50001), changed firewall exception settings, completely disabled firewall, changed router settings for allowed range of ports, as well as IP , edited HOSTS file, ran as Admin. Also tried uninstall, installed the newest beta version (209), still no luck.

    Super bummed since I finally just purchased the software. Any help would be great.

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows XP Service Pack 3

    Construct 2 Version ID

    206 Stable 32 bit, and 209 Beta 32 bit

    Edit: Also no server software, no proxy or vpn, or anything. I had disabled and eventually uninstalled these while troubleshooting.

  • That miniboss looks so awesome!

  • mudmask thanks! I'd like to get a demo up relatively soon, I'd like to think it could realistically happen shortly here. I am getting close to fixing some things that make it difficult to navigate, like non functional buttons and stuff. So hopefully sometime soon.

  • bclikesyou whew, glad you think its got a little more depth than a flappy clone!

    Thanks for the positive input guys. I've started working on the first boss right now. Soon as I get something working I'll put a few screenshots up of it.

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Member since 3 Mar, 2015

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