There are about 1500 objects, and that is holding back, it could easily be double that if I wanted to saturate the level entirely.
I'm not using RTS movement.
Am I right in assuming off screen shaders shouldn't affect performance?
With simulate shader 0.0 on I still get stuck around 30fps. (My computer isn't that bad - 3ghz dual core etc, so I'm worried about other people playing it.)
Disabling LOS events doesn't change FPS at all either
The only thing I've come across that increases FPS significantly is deleting a bunch of objects.
In this situation where I have loads of for each object loops, and other events that may get a lot more intensive the more objects I have, I think it could benefit from leaving out objects that are far away (since they'll be stationary, and miles away from any action anyway). Obviously this would be optional.
I can get around this by just chopping up the levels and having more of them, but it's not ideal, and may not be as easy with another game.