System: Is global variable 'dmg' Greater or equal 100000
-> System: Set global variable 'dmg' to str(Int(global('dmg')/1000))&"K"
MouseKeyboard: On key 1 pressed
System: Create object dmgText on layer 1 at (eneTest.X-20, eneTest.Y)
- > System: Set global variable 'dmg' toClamp(floor((1+random(0.225))*(global('ATK') *1.0 - eneTest ('DEF')*3))+1, 0,99999999999)
-> dmgText: Set text to global('dmg')
This what I have. It doesn't, it still displays the full value.
However, if I do it like this:
System: Is global variable 'dmg' Greater or equal 100000
-> System: Set global variable 'dmg' to str(Int(global('dmg')/1000))&"K"
MouseKeyboard: On key 1 pressed
System: Create object dmgText on layer 1 at (eneTest.X-20, eneTest.Y)
-> dmgText: Set text to global('dmg')
- > System: Set global variable 'dmg' toClamp(floor((1+random(0.225))*(global('ATK') *1.0 - eneTest ('DEF')*3))+1, 0,99999999999)
It will work, but the first text will say "0", then it will show the value as "123K".
I need to get it to work without showing the "0" first.