This project is in no way an official Scirra tutorial. It is my own creation. I am merely providing it to whoever wants to look through it for educational purposes.
So here it is. The full .cap, the demo build, the sounds, and the music for Little Hitler in Toyland.
What's covered:
- How to make jump-through platforms
- And, uh... Everything else. It's all there.
It's all rather heavily commented. I explain what variables are doing and why certain events are being used, how to achieve certain effects, etc.
In the places where I knew I could have or should have done something different, I made a note about it. Likewise I commented where there is obsolete code that was fixed by the new platform movement in .93. If you have any questions, or any critiques on how something could have been done differently, feel free to post them.
Hope this helps some people out.
Oh and I don't think I have to mention this, but it's just for educational purposes. So don't go using the art in your own project or releasing your own build with new levels or whatever. Not that I think you would, I'm just saying. If you're really itching to help me with a final release or whatever then PM me. All other questions about it belong here in the thread.