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  • Here I have a top-down sprite, with IK solved arms (shamelessly took the formula from Quazi's great example). The sprite can rotate, and the arms rotate with it, and right now it's a big mess of trigonometry and it absolutely breaks my brain to try and think of how to make the switching from positions smoother (Like interpolation).

    I tried for a few hours last night with many attempts. The one in the cap file that makes him do a hilarious spazzy dance is just the last one. Does anyone have a solution?[attachment=0:g99gx0d9][/attachment:g99gx0d9]

  • Would you mind phrasing it as a feature request instead of a gripe in future? This might take me twenty minutes to implement. We're all volunteers on this project, and it's a bit nicer to read through positive feature requests and how that'd allow us to do more, rather than how awful the current system is. I'm all for change, especially when it's this easy. No hard feelings

    I'm not really sure what the solutions to some of these problems are, though, and I want to avoid saying "do it like mmf did it!" because I'm not sure if that's taboo around here or not.

  • I knew about turning off angular rotation, but then, you couldn't rotate the sprite! It'd be a strange feature if the only way you could use it was to disable one of the most common and useful abilities.

  • > new animation that AFAIK you can't rename


    You can rename animations... select the animation and change the name in the properties box.

    > right now I use "resources" as a dummy tab (Because right now none of its features seem to work)


    The Resources tab works, it's just not feature complete. You can store sounds and other types of files in Binary, which get compiled into the .exe. You can also change the application icon. Fonts aren't implemented yet, and I'm not sure about menu items because I've never had need to change the app menu.

    Oh, that's cool then. Another thing I've discovered is animation angles right now have nothing but the most obscure of uses. They change automatically when you rotate a sprite, and unless I'm mistaken they can't be changed otherwise. I can't think of a single situation where this would be useful, as apposed to animation directions being completely separate from angles and able to be changed through events, which is really useful.

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  • As far as intuitiveness is concerned, most of my problems are with the image editor and animations right now. The animation tab really shouldn't exist, and there's plenty of room in the image editor for all its functions that right now doesn't seem to do anything. Right now you have to close an image then switch from a more useful tab to "animations," make a new animation that AFAIK you can't rename, then open it (Which also opens the first animation for some reason).

    There are too many things in general which make you close out of windows to change, such as object properties while in the event sheet, even though there's still a big list of objects to the side which stop functioning like they would in the layout editor.

    As far as the tabs go, right now I use "resources" as a dummy tab (Because right now none of its features seem to work) to keep the main window from resizing, then drag out each of the other windows so they can stack vertically. Otherwise it's too much of a break in pace to switch from "project" to "layers" all the time. I wish you could use some of that massive blank space to the right of the ribbon, as well.

    As far as the image editor is concerned, it's probably just a work in progress but there's a few things worth mentioning. The eraser tool is just the brush tool set to transparent. It would save huge amount of time letting the user just select transparency with the brush, especially with Ctrl+Left click. Image points cannot be ordered or deleted. They are always alphabetical. If I want to use them in a formula I have to preface them with 1,2,3 etc. If I get the order wrong I have to replace every single one; and with both image points and hotspots, you cannot enter text coordinates so this also makes it more difficult.

    It's also very difficult to get a tooltip on an object to show up. It seems to show up once per click, then disappears forever when you move the mouse at all. The tooltips, being the only way to tell which layer an object is on, also start being a problem when they tell you every object is apparently on layer *?*. Probably just a minor bug though.

    I don't mean this as a negative rant. I love construct and it's awesome. These are just some observations. Much respect to the work you guys have done.

  • Can you make default parameter values?

  • I don't have anywhere to host the file but to get it to happen just set an object to the mouse position then zoom out. You can then see the mouse is operating on its own set of positions independent from the layout's.

  • Zooming out seems to affect mouse position in a very strange way. The 0,0 coordinate moves further and further outside the frame up and to the left.

    I'm not sure how to explain this but it seems all zoom values below 100% except for 50% break coordinates. Running with debug on, I tested the "640x480" point on the layout, and it moved around from 99% to 51% then when it hit 50%, 640x480 was exactly where it was at 100%.

    I really have no idea what's going, but no matter which formula I came up with, I couldn't account for this bizarre offset (Though accounting for the mouse speed change was easy enough, dividing by (zoom/100)).

    So, I give up. What's going on here?

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Member since 17 Jul, 2007

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