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  • Weird, while trying to create an example I discovered 2 things:

    1: Loading meshes from the binary only works until I save the project (As in, from a temp file)

    2: I used the select tool to select the topmost pixels of a 96x96 square and when I released the mouse button, the whole image disappeared.

    Here's the tearing I was talking about (only happens with 3D layering turned on):

    <img src="http://www.wildrosemeadows.org/tearing.png">

    The blue one is 4 different, rotated objects

  • Is there any way to fix the weird tearing when placing mesh-edited objects next to one another?

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  • Sorry, but that's a cop-out. Braid is good because Jonathan Blow is a smart guy, not because 'he had quite a large budget'.

    It's not a cop-out when the main things special about the project to me(the graphics and music) were hired out and licensed, respectively.

  • Braid had quite a large budget though.

  • I normally don't use "WTF", but... WTF at this whole thread. And...

    [quote:1bfi2qfg]Will it have built in engines for quickly making games such as Animal Crossing and Ninendogs?

    ...That seems random to me. There isn't a connection to you, is there?

    Well the games have a higher percentage of female players than average, I think that was the joke...

  • In the game I'm making you start out with the main terrain layer zoomed all the way, and the player being able to move, so I have a tiled background and to cover the required area I made the dimensions massive, but eventually the player will find the land's end.

    Is it possible to add a texture plane option to them so they go on forever?

  • If you can make new families in the family manager I sure can't find how

  • I have a resolution selector combobox. It has "640 x 480" etc. I use the text manipulator to seperate these numbers to change the resolution value, like so:

    Set "reswidth" to:
    TextManipulator.GetSubstring(" x ", 0)[/code:dkp3q52y]
    It works, and the global variable is set to the correct number. But, even though it's set as a number variable, that number is actually a string. As such, none of my calculations using it work anymore.
    In MMF you could change strings of numbers to numbers with "Val()" but I can't seem to find the equivalent here.
  • If you go too far one way or the other it switches to affecting brightness and contrast. Which is interesting.

  • I agree with konjak that it would make sense in the long run to make family variables seperate. If you have objects with multiple families, each with a large amount of variables, keeping track could get pretty difficult.

  • Your post count is going down?!

  • <img src="http://img7.imageshack.us/img7/6985/constuctlol.jpg">

    Hey what's going on here

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