The overall impression is great, the UI improvements are fantastic in all regards. Feels a lot nicer to use. Making it a desktop app improves the experience as well. Eventing workflow is improved as well.
Small nitpicks but the color gradients in the tabs for eventsheets and layouts is ugly to me, bit inconsistent with the rest of the UI coloring? Also the X in the corner, to close the windows, is too dull to see on the blue, the X should be a blacker color.
I did see a comment by Ashley somewhere that was going to be further UI design in the beta or something, like color customizations etc. That would be great if it's done better than C2's. All it needs is an option to switch between this and an overall darker theme feeling, like Adobe Photoshop would likely be a nice option.
I'll probably wait till it's out of beta and people have sorted out the bugs before using it again.