Sorry i don"t have the time.
If you don't want to use plugins then alextro was working on one, he has included the .capx files, though i haven't tried them myself.
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I made this with an early version of Construct 2 and when i was still learning which is why its bug filled and difficult to continue with.
Rexrainbow has made an example based on a behaviour so it should be a lot easier, but i haven't tested it myself.
Are you using the tilemap method described in the tutorial, and not the tutorial itself which uses sprites and was made before tilemap support?
Try this.
Construct 2 tutorial here.
Tile maps use grid coordinates 0,1,2,3 etc. You need to convert the layout x and y positions of the sprite into grid coordinates first so the tile map knows which tile to select. There is an expression for doing it in the tile map object.
Hey Thylacine PM'd you about it. Thanks.
I kind of assumed they were going to implement a C2 style event sheet in Fusion 3 because it's the next logical step up, but was disappointed after seeing a recent dev shot that it appears to still have the same tired old spreadsheet editor. It would be a big step back returning to that now.
Can't you simply set objects Z order by their y position? So those higher up the screen are drawn before those below them?
I believe it's called Toroidal mapping.
I did something similar by making the level out of 4 tilemaps which were slightly larger than the screen size then repositioning them as the camera scrolled to create the illusion on a wrapped map. The hard part was repositioning the objects so they moved with the tilemaps. To be honest the maths was a mess and the game slows down a lot with many objects so i think the method i used wasn't any good.
It would be cool to see how a maths guru would do a proper job of it, there are some very clever people on the forums.
This is very cool. Does it simply map the game to a plain or cube? or can you produce a scene like this for example?
So does this mean that if you attempted to load a .capx in C3 with a C2 3rd party plugin that it would not load, or it would load but you wouldn't be able to edit the events?
So I guess until someone makes such an engine with the intuitive event system that exports native, C2/C3 is still the best we got for 2D.
I'm keeping an eye out for Clickteam's Fusion 3, for this reason.
Member since 20 Jun, 2007