The SpriteFont manual entry has a whole section comparing the two.
If the third-party script supports running in a worker, you can load it in a worker with importScripts instead.
See the upgrade discounts in the blog post Sunsetting Construct 2.
It sounds like you bookmarked or installed a specific version of Construct. Note represents the latest stable release, so if you bookmark or install that, you always get the latest stable release. If you want the latest beta instead, bookmark or install
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Our tool can only make automated checks, things like consistency of terminology are quality issues that are up to the translators.
You could also use "recreate initial instances" while all the previous instances still exist, so it can't give them the same UIDs. So even with some kind of reservation system the engine still cannot guarantee that the objects will get the same UIDs.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
As noted in the manual for 'Invoke download':
Downloading is a browser feature and depends on the browser UI. Note that mobile apps don't run in browsers (there is no address bar etc), so the download feature isn't available there.
Construct doesn't have a way to write files to storage on mobile at the moment. But you can probably use the Share plugin instead to send the screenshot to another app. The Taking screenshots example shows how to do that.
I'm not sure exactly what you're doing based on that description, but a common mistake is to use ViewportWidth("Layer") / 2 for the middle of the screen. That's incorrect, it just gives you half the viewport width, which doesn't take in to account scrolling. The middle of the viewport is (ViewportLeft("Layer") + ViewportRight("Layer")) / 2.
ViewportWidth("Layer") / 2
(ViewportLeft("Layer") + ViewportRight("Layer")) / 2
I don't know, it seems tricky, as it stands the engine could assign UIDs to other objects so they're already in use when you try to recreate other objects again. Are you sure there isn't a better way to solve this?
You can't put binary in text formats. JSON is a text format, so you have no choice but to use base64.
You don't need to use JS code for that: you can load the blob URL in to a Binary Data object with AJAX, and then get base64 from Binary Data.
I have no idea what the Twitch extension is trying to do. But something you might want to check is Construct 3's worker mode. It now runs in a Web Worker by default for performance reasons. This also means if you just put a tag in the main document it won't run in the context of the runtime.
Member since 21 May, 2007
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