Date parts are sometimes zero-based, i.e. 0-11, rather than 1-based (1-12). See the descriptions of the expressions.
Please report issues here following all the guidelines otherwise it can't be investigated:
See the manual entry.
Usually this means the ads have been misconfigured. See the manual entry.
Yeah, I spotted this after release due to some refactoring we did. It should be fixed in the next release.
If an object did not have an angle property, you could use behaviors to circumvent that and rotate it anyway, which then caused bugs as rotation wasn't meant to be supported. This change ensures behaviors can't cause unintended rotation.
See this thread for details if you have issues with the Kaspersky browser extension:
Construct works on Mac in Chrome, Firefox and Safari.
Try using addEventListener("instancecreate") or addEventListener("instancedestroy") on an object class or the runtime. That's the standard way events are used, so if you ever see an event mentioned, that's what you do.
Please see this post:
Please file any issues to our tracker following all the guidelines:
Issues not filed there won't be investigated, and note we need all the requested information to be able to investigate.
I just tried it and it worked fine. Please do file an issue, because we usually need much more information than this to solve problems, and it also avoids the problem being lost and forgotten.
I can't answer questions like this, it just seems too vague. What exactly is this hypothetical project doing? As before, you can get a precise answer by making a project, and measuring it.
If it doesn't need to, it doesn't. Sprites don't need their own copies of the collision polygons, so they don't make copies. Instances that don't use instance variables don't need to allocate anything for them, so they don't. This is basic software design stuff, if it did that it would be senselessly inefficient.
I'm not quite sure what you mean. But if you are wondering what the performance or memory usage impact of something is, measure it. That's the only real answer.
Member since 21 May, 2007
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