vijayrajesh's Recent Forum Activity

  • Thanks for your plugin. I feel it is little slower when clicked (tap) on mobile. Is it normal or do I have to use any other options in the plugin?

  • I get 26~31 fps on my Galaxy S4 ... It may be because S4 have an 1080p display, but is still kind of slow.

    You should test Intel XDK or CocoonJs to see if you get better fps.

    Thanks. Yes, I prefer cocoonjs. Because, XDK seems very slow to work with,

    Thank you,

  • fldr oops, that is indeed very slow if it is 9FPS.

    Thanks for your time in checking my apk. May i know what compiler you use to build APK?

  • Hi,

    Today I tried something different to export the html into APK.

    I am a basic4android user. b4a is a simple and easy tool to create Android apps. I thought I could try this b4a to export html into app.

    The concept is simple, I use a basic layout in b4a with webvew and then I call the local c2 index.html in it. In my moto G first version, I get about 45 FPS. Can you please download and check this apk and give me your feedback on the speed please, ... copter.apk

    The only reason I chose b4a is that I am annoyed to add ads in it with confusing and slow ways. I think now I can do simple games export with b4a itself.

    Thank you,

  • SamRock That is really hard to see. May be you can try publishing the game in iOS with price tag. That can sometime help too. I have been in Android store. But not in the iOS yet. But sometimes, I think iOS is good for game makers,

  • Thanks SamRock , thanks for your time in the inputs, I appreciate it.

    And it is great to see your downloads. I hope you are making good revenue in ads,

    Thank you,

  • SamRock any video tutorials on exporting with xdk. My only feeling is that xdk is slower. Even the newer version seems slower,

  • Hi,

    UPDATE: From all the replies, I get the point that Intel XDK based crosswalk is the best solution (August 2015)

    I see tutorials for intel xdk and cocoonjs.

    Can anyone please tell me what is the best way to export to Android with Admob and Interstitial ads.

    Thank you,

  • Thanks R0J0hound .

    Is it ok to copy paste the sprite and position the curve? Is that optimized way ?

  • Is this indeed tough to achieve it? Can any one please reply?

  • Hi,

    I want to make like this

    So when a circle shape item false, it will roll and fell down on end,

    I can do a workaround. But is there any direct kind of possibilities please?

    Thank you,

  • Try Construct 3

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  • janlindso Yes, I feel that now. I will update the game. Thank for your kind input,

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