vijayrajesh's Forum Posts

  • Hi,

    I plan to use it as animation tool. And then, after creating animation, I want to export that to a video. Is it possible? please reply,

    Thank you,

  • Hi,

    I am creating a ebook like app. I want to display html or text content of 5 to 10 paras. Also, I want the text to be scrollable with slide up and slide down. I mean when a user drags and moves up his hand, he should be able to navigate.

    How can i achieve this?

    Thank you,

  • Once again thanks AllanR

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  • AllanR Thanks for your generosity in sharing such a wonderful source.

    Yes, It is smoother. And I have to honestly say, I can see sharp deviations when we draw faster. May be to make a good drawing program for kids, it is very useful indeed.

    BTW, does it work on touch devices too? Or should i change the code?

  • Hi,

    Please see this ... urveTo.htm

    This is a canvas based drawing. I see we also have canvas plugin. But can we achieve this kind of smooth drawing even if we move cursor fast?

    Try to draw fast and you will still see the smoothness in the drawing.

    Thank you,

  • Hi,

    I have released my first C2 game in Android. ... oxesvsmind

    Please download and give your feedback.

    It is quiet challenging one. The toughness will increase with the increase of score.

    I used CLI based Crosswalk compiler to compile the game into APK,

    Thank you,

  • Hi,

    Uploaded to Playstore with this APK compilation ... oxesvsmind

  • Actually these are the basic commands needed,

    cordova create appname com.example.appname appName
    cd appname
    cordova platform add android
    cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-crosswalk-webview
    cordova plugin add
    And here in the appname folder there will be a folder called "www".  so, you just need to replace the contents of this folder with the "cordova exported files from C2"
    Cordova build
    cordova run
    And running the above 2 command will generate apk and run it with the attached android phone,
  • Hi all,

    Generally in my system Intel XDK is slower and I wanted some alternative way to export into APK. After checking many tutorials and solutions, I found Cordova + Crosswalk in CLI an awesome , quick and better combination for me. ... ova_4.html is the url that I followed.

    I even tried adding natural C2 admob ads and YES it worked too.

    I tested the apk in my 1st gen Moto G and the FPS made me smile. Yes it is 60FPS,

    Friends, give your feedback on this method,

    Thank you,

  • Lumik Sure I will add it. Thanks for your input.

  • Hi,

    Please check my game here ... -mind-1823 and give your feedback,

    Thank you,

  • Ashley Thanks for your input.

    I really tried b4a just because, I thought intel XDK is somewhat a tedious process.

    Suppose, if b4a has the support of webview+ or webview with webgl, I would have definitely chose that one.

    BTW, Ashley, Is not it better to create a eclipse or Android studio template with crosswalk webview in it? So, a user like me just need to replace the folder "www" and compile the files into APK easily. Moreover, Android studio or even Eclipse can handle all the signing process too.

    Just wanted to ask. I am sure you know a lot and have already researched it,

    Thank you,

  • Thanks for your plugin. I feel it is little slower when clicked (tap) on mobile. Is it normal or do I have to use any other options in the plugin?

  • I get 26~31 fps on my Galaxy S4 ... It may be because S4 have an 1080p display, but is still kind of slow.

    You should test Intel XDK or CocoonJs to see if you get better fps.

    Thanks. Yes, I prefer cocoonjs. Because, XDK seems very slow to work with,

    Thank you,

  • fldr oops, that is indeed very slow if it is 9FPS.

    Thanks for your time in checking my apk. May i know what compiler you use to build APK?