KearnsTeacher's Recent Forum Activity

  • This worked....thank you so much! I appreciate it!

  • One of my students is trying to move a tank sprite with 8-direction behavior. He has a different animation for the sprite facing up, down, left, and right (1 frame each). He also plans to create diagonal animations later on. He programmed that when the left key is down, the animation should be set to left. Same for right, up, and down. However, the 8-direction behavior overrides this and the appropriate direction for the tank does not show. How can I fix this? Thanks for your help!

  • Hi Everyone -

    I use a laptop to access Construct 2 and my students use desktops. The students are having an issue that when they add tiled backgrounds to layouts, it separates them by about 100 pixels in layout view only. When the game is played, the tiles are not separated, but rather together as they should be. This makes it hard for the students to design their games.

    When I open their file on my laptop, the tiled background is not separated on the layout. We are all using the same version of Construct 2.

    How can I fix their settings so that the tiled background does not separate?

    Thanks for your help!

  • Hello,

    My student added the sprites to his game (Ghost Shooter Tutorial), but they are not showing the layout. I've never seen this before! All I see are little blue boxes. I checked all the properties, and they match the tutorial file on the software. Any ideas?


  • This worked, thank you so much!

  • My student is making a hockey game. When the hockey player spawns the puck, it by default goes right. When the player is facing left however, the puck still goes right. How can I make the puck go left?

    I know condition 1 has to be space bar pressed (to shoot puck), and condition 2 has to be that the player is mirrored (to face left). What action or sub events do I need to add?

    Thank you!

  • How do I create a simple side scrolling game? Is there a tutorial for this?

    I tried duplicating the event system in the flapping birds template, but I couldn't get this to work.

  • That might work...would that just involve adding another condition to the collision event? I am not sure which angle condition to pick. I tried a few of these yesterday and couldn't get them to work.

  • Hello!

    My students are creating a car racing game (similar to the Driving Game template in Construct 2) where there is a finish line at the top of the track. We added a global variable which has a point added to it every time the finish line is crossed. However, we can't figure out a way to prevent the system from adding a point when a car goes backwards over the finish line.

    So in other words, a car can go around the track and then get a point, and then go backwards and get another point without going around the track.

    Is there an event we can add to prevent this from happening? We tried doing some things with instance variables but couldn't get it to work.

    Thank you!

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  • Hi Everyone - I am trying to figure out how to use a timer. I set a player's opacity to 50, disabling collisions for this condition, but I would only like it to last 5 seconds. I am trying to use the timer behavior, and set the timer accordingly, but I can't seem to figure it out. Is there a simpler way to make any given action last for a particular time?


  • Hi! My students are working through a beginner tutorial, and for one of my students, the mouse input device is not showing up as an option. We checked to make sure everything was connected. Is there something I'm missing? It seems to work fine for all my other students. Thanks!

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Member since 11 Feb, 2015

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