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  • I have been dragging and dropping the button from the Object types.

    When it is selected on the Layout you can also get the position coordinates so you can match them between layouts.

    Assuming you on a PC. Within the Event sheet you can highlight multiple Events and Actions, right-click, copy (keyboard shortcut Ctrl+c). Then go into the Event sheet for the new Layout and right-click, paste (keyboard shortcut Ctrl+v). It took me a little trial and error to figure out exactly how to select a whole row. To select a series of rows click the top row of the series, hold shift on the keyboard, then click the bottom row of the series. Similarly you can click a row, hold Ctrl on the keyboard, then click another row in another area.

    I hope this helps.

    You can also perform this action between projects as long as the Objects or Plugins within the actions/events are included in the target project.

  • Adding some detail as I continue to troubleshoot.

    I have created a clean capx just to test the FB stuff and hopefully to figure out what I am doing wrong. There will be one for the default C2 FB plugin and then one each for the cranberry v2 and PB plugin tests.

    Files available:

    C2 FB capx -

    Index.html -

    C2 FB Android apk -

    C2 FB Crosswalk ARM apk -

    Cranberry v2.x capx -

    Cranberry v2.x Android apk -

    Cranberry v2.x Crosswalk ARM apk -

    I am also writing a comprehensive, step-by-step, process to further determine what I am missing.

    Some assumptions that I am making are:

    App ID = Facebook App ID

    Secret = Facebook App Secret

    Facebook app name (requested in Intel XDK) = Google Play Package Name from Facebook Dev (ie com.gmgllctest.gruvisoft)

    App NAME (requested in Cranberry v2 plugin) = Google Play Package Name from Facebook Dev (ie com.gmgllctest.gruvisoft)

  • I am having a really difficult time getting the Facebook login feature to work once I import into Intel XDK.

    I know I have seen others saying they have it working so I must be missing something. Hopefully someone will be kind enough to point out what I need to do differently.

    My goal is ultimately to have the player be able to sign in with their FB account and I will personalize the game with their name, scores, etc.

    I have tested with Cranberry's FB 2.x and PB plugins and ended up running into the same issues.

    Here is what I tested:

    • In C2, build titleLayout w/ titleEvents
    • Add a sprite for the button as btnSprite
    • Add the C2 Facebook Object
    • Enter my Facebook Developer App ID and Secret
    • In the titleEvents add Event for Touch on btnSprite with Facebook Log In action Browser in PC, Android and iOS
    • In C2, Export HTML5
    • In Filezilla, upload exported files to server
    • In browser, test live page
    • Login successful Android App Emulate
    • In C2, export Cordova specific to Android
    • In Intel XDK, import Android files exported in C2 to create a new project as a Hybrid app
    • Check the box for Facebook Connect then enter applicable App ID and App Name
    • I have also tested without checking the Facebook Connect with the same results
    • Go to Emulate
    • Click the btnSprite
    • Nothing happens

    I have essentially done the same thing using Intel XDK Test and Build for Android and iOS, various versions and hardware devices. All have resulted in the btnSprite doing nothing.

    The one thing I have been unsure of is the App Name. I assume this is the "Display Name" in the FB Developer account under Settings. I have the main app and the test app. I expect as long as the "Display Name" and the App Id are from the same app it should be fine.

    I also found that I didn't have the toggle for "Do you want to make this app...general public?" under "Status & Review" set to "Yes" so I fixed that. It appears to apply to the whole app including any test apps within it.

    This has been making me nuts.

    I am considering trying to use the HTML_iFrame plugin to pass the FB information and sign in back and forth but am really hoping to get the proper Log In to work.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • Thanks for the confirmation. I wont worry too much about it until I get the games are built.

    Next step, figuring out why Facebook buttons arent working. :S

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  • Turns out that once I built the Android package in Intel XDK and installed the game on a device the ads worked.

    Still messing around with Android versions since 5.x on a phone and v? on a Kindle Fire HD both work well but 4.3 on a Galaxy S3 isnt behaving.

    I also tried with iOS using the Intel XDK emulator, the Intel XDK "App Preview" on an iPhone 6 Plus and iPad, using both the server and WiFi options, and no ads are showing. Considering using iAd instead of AdMob.

    Tempted to resort to using AdSense then doing something with a web browser control to just wrap the game since it works in browser.

    Long story short Android is working on latest OS but iOS not so much.

  • I know it is something simple that I am missing but I just cant seem to get AdMob ads to run.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Here are the resources that I have used so far:

    Here are the actions that I completed, high level:

      1. In C2 add object AdmobAds
      2. In Admob site, create AdUnits, ie "ca-app-pub-#####/#####", I did notice the "/" in the ID, could that be a problem?
      3. In C2, configure AdmobAds object with applicable id's and settings Overlap = Yes; Test Mode = True or False
      4. In C2, Event sheet create the following action - System/On start of layout/AdmobAds/Show banner ad...(auto-size, recommended)
      5. In C2, click "Run Layout"
      6. In browser (Chrome or IE), there are no ads, view source and I see reference to "admob_common.js" and "admob_plugin.js", clicking these does bring up the source of the js
      7. In C2, export Export Project as HTML5 website and upload to server
      8. In browser, test code on live site and still no ads
      9. In browser, view source and no reference to .js files or admob references

    I also tried using developer mode to simulate iOS and Android with the same result. I also noticed there were no .js files for admob exported.

    I am probably missing something basic and it is making me nuts.

    The tutorial on Shatter-Box seemed to indicate that this should have worked even before exporting Cordova then importing in the Intel XDK.

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Member since 20 Jan, 2015

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