I have been dragging and dropping the button from the Object types.
When it is selected on the Layout you can also get the position coordinates so you can match them between layouts.
Assuming you on a PC. Within the Event sheet you can highlight multiple Events and Actions, right-click, copy (keyboard shortcut Ctrl+c). Then go into the Event sheet for the new Layout and right-click, paste (keyboard shortcut Ctrl+v). It took me a little trial and error to figure out exactly how to select a whole row. To select a series of rows click the top row of the series, hold shift on the keyboard, then click the bottom row of the series. Similarly you can click a row, hold Ctrl on the keyboard, then click another row in another area.
I hope this helps.
You can also perform this action between projects as long as the Objects or Plugins within the actions/events are included in the target project.