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  • Would you be willing to share the file that worked? I am having a difficult time getting XML to load in IE and Windows Phone.

  • I have been going through the tutorials and templates for various trivia and quiz examples but am having a difficult time getting this to work the way I want.

    What I am trying to do is:

      Top grouping is based on difficulty and a score of # is required to unlock the next group
      Each group has a level
      Each level has various pictures visible
      When the picture is selected the player is taken to the question which must be answered correctly to get points

    I have gotten quite a bit of it to work but here is where I am stuck:

      How to get the points for each question to be stored independently of the top level score that is used to unlock the next difficulty
      How to sum the points from each question into top level grouping to unlock the next difficulty
      How to select a specific value from a .txt file similar to a WHERE clause

    The capx I have been playing around with is here:

  • I used AJAX, php, and mySQL to read/write to a db within HTML5/C2.

    Here is the tutorial that got me started: ... -php-mysql

  • Quit tip for those that might be having trouble with Windows Phone.

    I successfully exported to Windows Phone 8.1, loaded into Visual Studio 2013, built the .xap and deployed to my device.

    The game would load to 98% but then hang. I tried in browser and found that the same thing happened when loaded the HTML5 exported version.

    I found that if I disabled WebGL the game would load. I went through the process for exporting the Visual Studio file and building the xap and it worked.

    Long story short, disable WebGL before exporting the project.

    • Select Project Name

    • Located "Enable WebGL" in the Properties/About

    Not all the features of my game are working, such as posting scores into the db stored on my server, but at least it loads and most of it works.

    Hopefully others find this helpful.

  • After going through what feels like dozens of pages of instructions for exporting to mobile, and getting increasingly frustrated, I am hoping to save others the time I have spent by consolidating the latest and greatest.

    The only one that I have been able to get built successfully is Android. iOS works in Intel XDK Emulate and Test until I add in the certificates, keys, etc then it wont build. Windows exports from C2 fine but then gets corrupted when pulling into Visual Studio.

    My game is pretty basic and the only plugin is for adMob. The goal is to produce an install package for distribution on the platform noted and adMob ads running in specific Layouts within the game, ie end of level and score display.

    HTML5 for hosting on my site exports are default from C2 and monetization will be via adSense. I am hoping to find a Wordpress arcade/games add-on to do this. I dont believe adMob works outside an app but open to suggestions there as well.

    I am running C2 r200 on Windows.

    Here are the platforms and, from what I can tell, the latest and/or most successful build processes for mobile:

    The iOS Web App method is interesting but I think it would be difficult to promote and monetize. You would have to use something like adSense next to, or above/below, the game and it would be visible at all times, detracting from the game. Not the experience I am wanting to provide.

    I am hoping others can confirm their success with the above methods. Otherwise I am sure others would also appreciate information on more tried and true processes people have used to achieve a viable export to each platform.

  • Thanks for the confirmation that I am not the only one having this trouble.

    I have given up on the Facebook login for v1 of my game. Hopefully I can get it figured out for v2.

    I hate giving up but I have spent way more time than I should have on trying to get this working.

    Please keep me posted if you get it figured out. I will do the same for you.

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  • Found another test to run through here:

    Still no dice

  • Ok. I completed another build of the test last night using the tutorial here:

    Thought maybe there was a step I was missing. Still nothing happens after I export to android using Cordova then Intel XDK for Crosswalk and Android.

    I keep seeing references to an example capx but I cant find it anywhere. I thought it was supposed to be included in the plugin download.

    Latest test capx is here:

    It is a bit of a mess with all the tests I have done. The latest is on the default loading Layout with the "Log In" and "Log Out" buttons. Those are supposed to use the PhonegapFacebook plugin.

  • I am now trying out the Pode HTML iFrame plugin. I send the frame to a page that I created with the FB login form and the frame works for signing in.

    Any recommendations on passing the user information, such as FirstName, back to the C2 Layout?

    Below is the latest capx using the pode plugin

    C2 file using frame :

    Pode HTML Plugin:

    I am hoping to be able to keep the Facebook user account connection in the game but might have to abandon the idea for v1 if I cant figure it out.

  • Processes that I am using as a guide are:

    Follow FB Dev app creation here:

    Intel XDK "Import an existing HTML5 project" section from here:

    Here is the process that I have been going through:

    1. Follow FB Dev app creation here: ... phongegap/

    2. Add email into the apps "Settings\Contact Email"

    3. Make app publicly available in "Status & Review" using the toggle button

    4. Add a Platform to add website, required for web testing

    5. Open C2 and create Empty Project

    6. Add "Facebook" object to Layout 1

    7. Add "Button" object to Layout 1

    8. Add "Text" object to Layout 1 as "helloText"

    9. Click the "Facebook" object and update properties with App ID and Secret

    -- a. App ID = Facebook App ID

    -- b. Secret = Facebook App Secret

    10. Update Event sheet 1 as follows

    -- a. Add event - Button - On clicked - Facebook - Log in (request None, None)

    -- b. Add event - Facebook - Is user logged in - helloText - Set text to "hello "&Facebook.FirstName

    11. Web test via Chrome on Windows 8

    -- a. Export project "HTML5 website"

    -- b. Select location, leave defaults and make sure "Minify…" is unchecked, click Next

    -- c. Select "Normal style" and click Export

    -- d. Upload to webserver via Filezilla and test

    12. Web test successful

    13. C2 Android test via installable package from Intel XDK

    -- a. Export project "Cordova"

    -- b. Select location, leave defaults and make sure "Minify…" is unchecked, click Next

    -- c. Supported devices: "Universal"

    -- d. Check "Hide status bar"

    -- e. Export audio files for "Android…", uncheck "iOS…"

    -- f. Leave Minimum defaults and click Export

    -- g. Open Intel XDK and follow the "Import an existing HTML5 project" section from here: ... crosswalk/

    -- -- i. App ID = Facebook App ID

    -- -- ii. App Name = anything I want

    -- -- iii. Remaining left to defaults

    -- h. In Intel XDK click the Emulate tab

    -- i. Test doesn’t do anything

    -- j. Click the Develop tab and select intel.config.additions.xml

    -- -- i. Instructions here: ... ion-2-0-x/

    -- k. Test still doesn’t do anything

    -- l. Updating xml file again based on this:

    -- m. Test still doesn’t do anything

    -- n. In Intel XDK click the Test tab

    -- o. Sync, Push, etc file to server

    -- p. On device to into "App Preview" and load build

    -- q. Test button

    -- r. Nothing happens

    -- s. In Intel XDK click the Build tab

    -- t. Create builds for Crosswalk and Android

    -- u. Load builds to device and launch to test

    -- v. Crosswalk ARM test, nothing happens on button click

    -- w. Android test, nothing happens on button click

    14. Cranberry v2.x Android test via installable package from Intel XDK

    -- a. Add the plugin into the C2 folder

    -- b. Add the "Phonegap Facebook" object into Layout 1

    -- c. Click "PhonegapFacebook" object to edit properties

    -- -- i. Facebook App ID = Facebook App ID

    -- -- ii. App NAME = Google Play Package Name from Facebook Dev

    -- d. Update Event sheet 1 as follows

    -- -- i. Add event - Button - On clicked - PhonegapFacebook - Log in (request "email,FirstName")

    -- -- ii. Add event - PhonegapFacebook - Is user logged in - helloText - Set text to "hello "&PhonegapFacebook.FirstName

    -- e. Export project "Cordova"

    -- f. Select location, leave defaults and make sure "Minify…" is unchecked, click Next

    -- g. Supported devices: "Universal"

    -- h. Check "Hide status bar"

    -- i. Export audio files for "Android…", uncheck "iOS…"

    -- j. Leave Minimum defaults and click Export

    -- k. Open Intel XDK and follow the "Import an existing HTML5 project" section from here: ... crosswalk/

    -- -- i. In the Included Plugins section check the box for "Facebook Connect"

    -- -- -- 1) Facebook App ID = Facebook App ID

    -- -- -- 2) Facebook app name = Google Play Package Name from Facebook Dev

    -- -- ii. App ID = Facebook App ID

    -- -- iii. App Name = anything I want

    -- -- iv. Remaining left to defaults

    -- l. In Intel XDK click the Emulate tab

    -- m. Test seems to work but I get the same result as if I were testing from C2 before uploading to a webserver

    -- n. In Intel XDK click the Test tab

    -- o. Sync, Push, etc file to server

    -- p. On device to into "App Preview" and load build

    -- q. Test button

    -- r. Nothing happens

    -- s. In Intel XDK click the Build tab

    -- t. Create builds for Crosswalk and Android

    -- u. Load builds to device and launch to test

    -- v. Crosswalk ARM test, nothing happens on button click

    -- w. Android test, nothing happens on button click

  • We have a feature in our game that loads text on the screen via a Layout change when X number of enemies are killed.

    The way we set it up is:

    Global number Kills = 0 (at start of Layout)

    Enemy - Health <= 0 - Enemy - Destroy / System - Add 1 to Kills

    System - Kills = ## - System - Go to LayoutXYZ

    LayoutXYZ then displays text and Waits before going to the next Layout.

    Not sure if it is the best way, or if it is even the way you are looking for, but it works for us.

  • Lets say you have Layout1 with the button you want to copy. Create Layout2.

    Then with Layout2 on the screen select the button from the Object list in your Project and drag over on top of Layout2.

    Is that what you are trying to do?

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