I just wanted to export my latest App on Android with the Intel XDK. The Intel XDK also just had an update which I installed but it seems like almost nothing is working for me now. I tried to export from Construct 2 with the new XDK Format but it didn't work and I only get errors when I do that.
After I deleted the xdk files in my exported project file and used the "Import Your HTML5 Code Base" option it worked and the project loaded successfully.
Now that I loaded it, I needed to import the Admob Ads plugin from the Apache Cordova Plugins Registry. I used the ID which was provided in the Manual entry of the Admob Ads plugin. This ID didn't work though, so I found another one in a Thread here ( cordova-plugin-ad-admob ). This ID worked and I could finally build my App.
This is the Build Log:
Build Log
Building a Cordova 6.2.0 application.
Using platform cordova-android 5.1.1.
The application name is "SmartWebRadio"
The package name is "com.stonewashedpc.SmartWebRadio"
Preference android-signed set to true. Application will be signed.
Using Crosswalk Embedded 19
Plugin "cordova-plugin-extras-google-play-services" (1.0.5) installed.
Plugin "cordova-plugin-ad-admob-sdk" (1.0.35) installed.
Plugin "cordova-plugin-ad-admob" (1.0.118) installed.
Plugin "cordova-plugin-whitelist" (1.2.2) installed.
Plugin "cordova-plugin-crosswalk-webview" (1.8.0) installed.
App name updated to [SmartWebRadio]
Updated "minSdkVersion" with "14"
Updated "targetSdkVersion" with "23"
Updated "installLocation" to "auto"
Updated "versionCode" to "1"
Updated "versionName" to "0.0.1"
Added "debuggable" to "false"
I installed the apk on my device and almost everything worked. Only the Admob Ads didn't show up. In Construct 2 I put in the right ID's for the ads and normally it should show some test ads.
I have no idea on how to continue now and I need help!
Did anyone have this problem aswell and knows how to fix it?
I searched a lot on Google and found similar Threads about Problems with the new XDK Format and the Admob Plugin so maybe this Problem does not only exist for me and
Ashley can take a look at it.
I appreciate any help!