kids don't know that humans drive tanks
This would depend on what the kids have been taught. In my experience any child capable of playing a mobile game is also aware that tanks are made by and driven by people - and if they don't perhaps you should take away the mobile device and give them a book to read.
asking people to click on u'r ads its illegal
This might be contrary to the contract but it is definitely not illegal...
Illegal and unlawful have slightly different meanings, although they are often used interchangeably. Something that is illegal is against the law, whereas an unlawful act merely contravenes the rules that apply in a particular context. Thus handball in soccer is unlawful, but it is not illegal.
they (google?) are more focused on quality
Google are totally NOT focused on quality - it's a numbers game so the standards are set very low - if you buy a rubbish game they don't care - you already paid and there are no refunds for rubbish.
Your whole response to this guys questions is a bit on the rude side - in my opinion.
You seem to think that Google is like this big, generous internet wizard who's doing us all a favour by providing their 'service'. They have this one-sided (solely to protect their image) 'contract' which they have decided that they can change at a moment's notice at their whim and if you step outside of their terms they instantly cut you off without any kind of appeal - forever. Google is a machine designed to **** up money, but don't expect them to spend any of that money on quality control or arbitration. Google is bad for games. Period.
Most of the games that are churned out are absolute crud that are simply vehicles for adverts.
Google is bad for games. Period.
I should extend this to cover all the other 'app stores'.