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  • ignore my previous post. I could figure out the way to integrate the cranberry IAP replacing the official IAP and it is working for me in the IOS build. Want to inform that same is the case for ADMOB IOS integration also. The official Admob plug-in does not work on IOS when build on Intel-XDK. I had to replace it with phonegap admob plugin and then it works.

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  • Hi hazneliel,

    Can you give me more information about how you made cranberry IAP to work with construct2+Intel XDK?

    I am using the official IAP and as followed the necessary steps like "Add product ID" & "Request Store Listing" etc. I have done the IOS build in Intel XDK which successfully builds it with Plugin "cc.fovea.plugins.inapppurchase" (3.4.1). But my IAP does not work both with test and regular user. I don't get either "on Store listing SUcess" or "On Store listing Failure" triggers.

    How do I change to Cranberry IAP from official IAP plug in.


  • 1) I can use the invisible sprite method to take care of the collision part. My worry remains that collision block would continue to shake and hence some of the physics would misbehave. Like the events of "Platform is falling" are continuously getting triggered while the platform is on landing position is not correct, is suppose. Need to find a way to stop the shake.

    2) I have attached the project here for enabling you to review the code. If you can think of an alternative approach I would be happy to try out. ... /JUMP.capx

  • I am creating a prototype of Jetpack type game where the player flies and need to land on a platform on a projectile path.

    For the Player I have enabled two behaviors 1) platform and 2) physics. Given below are the key events/+actions I am using.

    1) For Player Jump/Jetpack -> On key Press, apply impulse of 0.2 to coordinates ( Player.X+10, Player.Y-10)

    2) To get the Parabolic Path of fall -> On release of key Press, apply impulse of 0 to angle 0 of the player

    The issues I am getting are given below. If anyone can help it will be great.

    1) The player is always shaking while standing on the platform. I have given the video link Please note that if I make set world gravity to 0 when the player is on the platform the shake is stopped.

    2) Even when the player is landing on the platform, it constantly triggers events related to Platform Falling. Why would that be?

  • 1) I am looking for an option to write custom Javascript function to return a value to a global variable. Is there a way?

    2) Read the plug-in documentations. Did not find a way to call an action, the scripts for which can return a value. Is it correct?

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Member since 31 Dec, 2014

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