sagarsarma's Recent Forum Activity

  • Please check out my post related to performance. I am also having performance problem with construct on IOS.

    The best way to optimize performance of the game is ensure that when the game play is happen non critical events are not processed.

  • I have done some more work on the performance issue. Whenever I run a banner ad which has animation ( something is moving) like in iAD, the lag happens. So I moved to text based banner ad from Admob and when it improved a bit. However even on admob, if there are animation based banner it impacts. I may have to completely drop it.


  • I added it and working. Thanks.

  • Hey guys I have a quick question. When you export using Intel XDK, what provisioning file do you use?

    The Apple documentation seems to say you need to use a development provisioning file however Intel XDK only lets you build using Ad Hoc or Production. Would anyone be able to clarify this?

    Both adhoc and Production ( Apple calls it App Store) are distribution type provisioning profile. In Intel XDK I have used adhoc to install the app ( using Itunes) on selected test devices. The Production provisioning profile is required when I want to upload the build to itunes connect using application loader.

  • >

    > 2. Using as a normal user: It does not work properly. This is the expected behavior


    why is it expected ?

    it work fine for me for sandbox users. however purchase should exist always not just for a day. btw, i complied via intel xdk - the speed of animation on ARm based processors is horrible and jitters a lot. i am looking for another solution

    The build that I have created in Intel XDK is using adhoc provisioning profile. I think this is a sandbox build. So unless I create a Sandbox test user in itunesconnect you cannot do a IAP transaction. It is working this way in my case.

  • Go to provisioning profiles -> development-> click the + sign. Here you can create an adhoc provisioning profile.

  • what is the name of the plugin?

  • Need some guidance on the performance issue that I am facing to run the below game on IOS device.

    1) I am rotating two sprites in opposite directions. Both the sprites have rotate behavior. created 16 collider sprites to pin to main two rotating sprites.

    2) Have a sprite with bullet behavior. Need to pass through the main sprites.

    The game works great on PC while testing. But on mobile device it has a lag. The lag becomes more prominent after I have integrated backend components like iAd, Admob etc. I have built for IOS using Intel XDK and also added phonegap WKWEBVIEW plugin which has enhanced the performance of the play a bit.

    Is there any other ideas which I should try out?



  • Thanks. Did that and looks good. I also found a plug-in from Phonegap which essentially does the same thing.

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  • Given below is the behavior of my IAP test results ( Phonegap IAP on IOS). I have built on Intel XDR with provisional profile.

    1. Using sandbox user: get store listing success

    I issue purchase product and complete the transection. Get a response that transection is successful.

    At this stage I quit the game and restart. On store listing successful I issue a restore purchase command. Get a restore successful response.

    At this stage if I issue a "has product ID" I also get a successful.

    Above steps all looks good. When I reopen the game after long period of time ( like overnight) I don't get success on restore purchase. This I

    think is a problem. Shall test more tomorrow.

    2. Using as a normal user: It does not work properly. This is the expected behavior

  • I would like to add more games feature to C2 to show my published games in the store and also provide a means to download. Is there any options/plugins available in Construct 2 to add such a feature?

  • Problem Description

    ____The official IAP and Admob plug-ins are not working while I use it with Intel XDK for publishing to IOS. I replaced these plugins with Phone gap plug ins and it started working____

    Attach a Capx

    ____ I have not attached any capx as it looks straight forward to me. ____

    Description of Capx

    ____ N/A____

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Step 1. Add the IAP plug-in to the project. Add IOS product ID, request store listing at start of layout. Add an action of "on store listing success"
    • Step 2 add admob plug in to the project. configure the IOS ad-IDs. Preload insterstitial ad at start of layout. add an action of on interstitial ad preloaded.
    • Step 3 etc.

    Observed Result

    ____ Non of the actions are triggered ____

    Expected Result

    ____ What do you expect to happen? ____

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: YES
    • FireFox: don't know
    • Internet Explorer: don't know

    Operating System and Service Pack

    ____ windows 8.1 ____

    Construct 2 Version ID

    ____ release version 199____

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Member since 31 Dec, 2014

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