sagarsarma's Forum Posts

  • Thanks. That a great Support!

    Please explain what was the problem in my case? You seem to have combined both the touch within one trigger. Does it keep the UID changed in my case.

  • I am finding it difficult to make the family feature to work while destroying object. I am trying to destroy member of a family using "Pick instance with UID" and not able to get it working.

    In the attached capx, click the red sprite first and then click on one of the green sprites. Both instances should be destroyed. It is not destroying the sprites for which I have provided the UIDs consistently. The logic is implemented within event No 14-20 in Lvl1 event. ... cards.capx

  • Absolutely. Before I posted the previous CAPX I implemented the method you said as alternative way.

    My sprites names are S1...S10. I am able to get the name of the sprite to spawn in a text variable. How do I spawn the object in the text variable elegantly?

    One do it is write events/actions for each sprite like text variable = "S1" --> Spawn object S1

    But this will lead to writing a line for each sprite I have. I am going to have 100+ falling sprites in each level.

  • It looks like adding a instance variable to control spawning of family members does not work. I have created a family of 10 sprites to randomly spawn to fall down the screen. I want to avoid spawning the same sprite if the instance variable "Active" not set ( while it is still falling). However it does not work. Given the link to my capx. Please check if I am doing any mistake. ... rds.caproj

  • thanks. I will try it out today.

    Just to make sure the point, when Active is false for a sprite in the family, create object will consider this sprite, right?

  • I will have 100 of sprites randomly falling at slow speed. I have added it to be part of a family. During the time the sprite is on the screen it should not be selected again. Ideas to implement it welcome.

  • Is there a way to add or remove sprites from a family at run time?

  • There is a wide variations in FPS of the game while playing in mobile. For my vortex game ( which ... impossible) which I recently launched, it runs on Sony ultra t2 at 57-59 FPS while on a Galaxy tab 4 it runs on 23-29 fps. Due to wide variations of FPS it is unplayable on the device. I guess that it may be due to Samsung might not have optimised webgl performance on the device. Shall check on other Samsung device.

    This leaves me with a question. Is there a way for me to set the FPS of the game? Even if the FPS is low on certain device, if I set it to a lower value the game may be playable.

  • I have exported the project as windows 8.1+ and able to do a local run from vs20013 update 4. The IAP plugin is working while doing local run.

    I see the following issues.

    a) Pubcenter ads not coming. Can somebody confirm if ads come when run within vs2013 local device run\?

    b) Given below are two errors the VS has reported. 2nd one is of no relevance here. Not sure what is the 1st issue and way to resolve.

    1) HTML1701: Unable to add dynamic content '<select msallowclip=''><option selected=''></option></select>'. A script attempted to inject dynamic content, or elements previously modified dynamically, that might be unsafe. For example, using the innerHTML property to add script or malformed HTML will generate this exception. Use the toStaticHTML method to filter dynamic content, or explicitly create elements and attributes with a method such as createElement. For more information, see

    2) APPHOST9623: The app couldn’t resolve ms-appx://6a2711e0-cc3c-4eea-8303-80f5b2f31a15/amazon.sdktester.json because of this error: RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND.

  • Ok. I will try it out. Looks like I went in the wrong direction with Intel XDK

  • Hi,

    I am creating build for my game for win 8 app on Intel XDK. I am able to run upload the appx file from Intel XDK to device and run the game. However non of the plugins like IAP ( official ) and Pubcenter Ad are working on the device ( Microsoft surface tablet).

    Does anybody has gone through the process and seen these two plug-ins working for Windows 8 app for Intel XDK?


  • Sure

    1. I have used cranberry phonegapgame plugin. The same code works for both Android and IOS ( not for windows).

    2. you will have to login to gamplay service at start of layout. It will be visible when the game starts. Is it happening in your case?

    3. On touch you show leaderboard with the ID.

    4. If 2 and 3 works then you try submit score. It should work.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Hi,

    I have released Vortex Impossible to Android store. The link is ... impossible

    Game Description and features:

    Tap/Touch to shoot.

    Push your ability to focus and precision by shooting through the openings of two spinning square rings.

    Enjoy the game in a minimal old school (70-80s style) themed art style and music.

    Simple to Play hard to master.

    **Make record, Beat record, Share record to the world **


    Simple one touch game play.

    Old School theme and music

    Leader board- Compete and check players high-scores

    High score Share

  • I did resolve the image icon-60qfg@3x not found issue while loading ipa to APP store using application loader.

    The resolution is when you add the icons to Intel XDK, 180x180 icon should be lower case png for IOS. I did write like 180.PNG.

    Intel XDK copies all other icons without the file extension and adds the png to the extension by itself. But for this 60x3 =180 size icon it copies the whole name.

    While application loader performs asset check the icon with .PNG fails.

    It took a tremendous amount of time for me to figure a silly issue. Good thing is that I understand the Intel XDK build log in a better way now.


  • The icon problem has disappeared by moving the icons to root directory. Now when I am trying to upload the image using application loader, it is getting stuck in the "sending API usages to itunes Connect" stage. After 15 minutes I am getting a timeout message.

    Have import the IPA or choose the ipa for review in application loader?