sagarsarma's Forum Posts

  • have you put any cfbundleid verion number in IOS build settings?

  • i will do it today.

    One question. Are you adding the icons and splash screens in the Intel XDK build options or in the additions.xml file?

  • in Intel xdk I have added icons and splash screens in the relevant section and then built the system. When I upload the game using application loader I get this error submitted to intel xdk folks.

    I am wondering how are you not getting it.

  • Hi Alon,

    Are you building the production version in Intel XDK and uploading to appstore using application loader? In my case I am able to build it, but uploading fails as 60byk@3x icons are missing?

    I am not getting help from Intel side as yet.


  • 1. Yes on xdk and cranberrygame. Not in production but with adhoc. There is a problem with Intel XDK ( i am able to build it with production certificate) while uploading the ipa file to itunesconnect and I am interacting with XDK support to resolve the issue.

    2. Have not tested with internel tester as uploading to itunes connect does not work.

    3. I am only testing with sandbox mode. Once I resolve the previous issues I will

    4. I am not getting any store login unless I press the sprite. But sometimes once it comes it keeps on coming for three or four times. I have seen this issue earlier on unity also.But as you will go to production it will not happen.

    I suggest you to buy the cranberry plugin sets that cost US $ 25. I am getting good support from the guy to make progress.


  • When the sound is playing on Android device in the game, if a phone call comes even though the game is no longer in play the sound continues. It is not happening on IOS device.

    Is there a way to detect application exit condition like this and then stop the sound?


  • I tried it. I am building the game in Intel XDK and uploading the device. While I am able to collect the necessary data using instrument as in the tutorial , due to lack of sysmbol tables i am not able to make sense of it. Only way would be to build the game in xcode and load the symbols.


  • Hi,

    Based on your recommendation I started using cranberry plugin. But still stuck with the whole process.

    Any chance to have a capx with events? I'm struggling here...

    I uploaded to the App Store

    1. While I fetch store listing on the store screen the app asks me to login to store already on my intro animation screen . How do I avoid this? I don't understand why it ask me for that when I'm on a different layout.

    2. Seems like I'm missing something here, why do I get the store pop up with sandbox mode? I am using Intel xdk. Is there a location where I could turn it off

    3. Will appreciate a capx or a screenshot of events to understand how to deal with non consumable object. I have only one time purchase..still I got stuck.

    Many thanks

    This is the logic I have implemented and working fine.

    1. Keep a local webstore variable. Remove_ad = 0 ( not purchased ).

    2. If Remove_ad == 0 and Store_avl=1

    on touch of purchase sprite ---> purchase product ID

    3. on any purchase success event -> set remove_ad = 1

    4. On store listing success --> variable Store_avl= 1

    5. if Remov_ad=0 and store_avl =1 -> restore purchase

    6. on restore purchase sucesss - > set remove_ad=1

    this logic is working for me.

  • I am actually facing an issue after installing the PhoneGapScreenOrientationPortrait plugin. It has successfully put the game on portrait mode.

    Whenever I saw a full screen ad ( from Admob) and move the device to landscape mode, the ad starts showing in landscape even though the portrait plug in was used. After the ad is over, the games orientation would still be in Portrait, but scale of all the sprites has increased by big margin. So Unless I restart the game it is not playable.

    My guess is that when the advertisement went from Portrait to landscape, it would have scaled its object. When I exit the ad the scaling factor gets applied to the game also. I made an attempt to set layout to scale 1.0 after the ad is over. But it didn't help.

  • Please check out my post related to performance. I am also having performance problem with construct on IOS.

    The best way to optimize performance of the game is ensure that when the game play is happen non critical events are not processed.

  • I have done some more work on the performance issue. Whenever I run a banner ad which has animation ( something is moving) like in iAD, the lag happens. So I moved to text based banner ad from Admob and when it improved a bit. However even on admob, if there are animation based banner it impacts. I may have to completely drop it.


  • I added it and working. Thanks.

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  • Hey guys I have a quick question. When you export using Intel XDK, what provisioning file do you use?

    The Apple documentation seems to say you need to use a development provisioning file however Intel XDK only lets you build using Ad Hoc or Production. Would anyone be able to clarify this?

    Both adhoc and Production ( Apple calls it App Store) are distribution type provisioning profile. In Intel XDK I have used adhoc to install the app ( using Itunes) on selected test devices. The Production provisioning profile is required when I want to upload the build to itunes connect using application loader.

  • >

    > 2. Using as a normal user: It does not work properly. This is the expected behavior


    why is it expected ?

    it work fine for me for sandbox users. however purchase should exist always not just for a day. btw, i complied via intel xdk - the speed of animation on ARm based processors is horrible and jitters a lot. i am looking for another solution

    The build that I have created in Intel XDK is using adhoc provisioning profile. I think this is a sandbox build. So unless I create a Sandbox test user in itunesconnect you cannot do a IAP transaction. It is working this way in my case.

  • Go to provisioning profiles -> development-> click the + sign. Here you can create an adhoc provisioning profile.