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    Und wie ichs dir schon in diesem Thread gesagt habe: sollst du fragen über plugins im plugin bereich fragen.

    Der passende Thread für dich ist dieser hier wo du ganz bestimmt eine antwort auf deine frage finden wirst:

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    In English: You made several Threads about your same problem (

    Just ask there.

  • jstar codahs methode dont work because you havent set a key for it. If you just want to call a instance variable you just type bunny,type and dont need a dictionary for that.


    look for "is on platform"

  • if you want to have the variable of an Instance than just type:


    If you want to store it in a Dictionary and get it out later, you need to create a key at first:

    Dictionary: Add key "thetypeofbunny" with value bunny.type (no quotes)

    If you want to call it you make:


  • click on your project tab and than the main folder of your game (has the name of your project)

    After that you can set on the left side of C2 your "Preview Browser"

  • Well looks like i have to try it.

    If it doesnt work i still can play quake at least

  • your welcome

    I got a question: How do you build your game for android if you dont have buyed a C2 license?

  • this is the plugin section:

    your thread that you are searching:

    how to bump:

    make a new post in your existing thread and write something like "bump" and it will get on top again

  • i got school again after 7years in my life and its really boring (i mostly play quake all the time)

    I know that Construct 2 is portable, but my question is if its enough to copy my C2 folder (C:programm) to a usb stick and my project folder or does i really need to install it again on the usb stick?

    I dont got a second pc at home to test if it works or not, thats why i am asking

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  • do you just use the "is touching" event or the <<<< "on touched" - "is in touch"-"on touch ended" >>>> combination?

    and do you use Touchid? Touch id is very important for multitouch, your touch controls can glitch around if you are not using it

    Or you really have a bug after building the game

  • Read this: ... ers/page-3

    the trick is the "on touched" - "is in touch"-"on touch ended" combination with using the TouchID

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