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  • hey,

    i just wont to know something very important about saveing over webstorage or the other one.

    My question is if my saveings get deleted if i make an update over google play to my game?

    Because this would freak a lot of people up if there game progress gets deleted after every update and makes C2 very useless for me

  • what about savegames now? do they get deleted if i make an update on android or will they stay there?

    If they get deleted than C2 is pretty much just useless.


  • for screen size: ... reen-sizes

    admob generates the size by it self so you dont need to worry about over sticking

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  • your code is pretty much just garbage, dont use "every tick" all the time and if you add "every 1 second" and put a "every tick" as a sub event it pretty much doesnt make sense because your code will only triggered every 1 sec.

    Try to spawn the icon on the image point and pin it to the zombie and if its not on LOS you just unpin and destroy it. becareful to pick the zombie with "pick by uid" other wise it can happen that the wrong zombie will get the icon etc.

  • try to add an imagepoint to your object and spawn your items there, maybe this will work but i am not sure

  • yes i have. the problem appears if you are not using "fullscreen in browser" option and your browser closed before you starting the preview.

    There was some solutions for me:

    1. change the settings to fullscreen if its doesnt borther you

    2. open your browser first and than hit preview

    3. Leave your browser with another tab open, this way you can always close the preview tab without completele closing your browser

    i hope they will work for you

  • "WebStorage does not store in the browser cache."

    it shouldnt be happen if you delete your cache, maybe you are:

    "However if the user opts to clear all their cookies or offline website data, WebStorage will be cleared. "

    And actually i dont know how you could save your game outside of the browser and i think if this could be possible a lot of webpages would save there data outside of the browser too and that would that a lot of disk space that would never be deleted.

  • sry but i dont get it.

    It looks like a normal sidescolling game that is dark with a ghost in it, does this typ of games even have shadows?

    Please explain your problem better and send a capx file if necesarry

  • i wont display any ads in preview mode (never worked for me)you need to export it first and check this out too its very important:

    Read this: ... onstruct-2

  • make something like this:

    cb.platform.speed = 0 -> animation "idle"

    so if the charakter is not moving he goes to idle mode

  • export it as a HTML 5 and upload it on a server?

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