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  • 1. yes should work with the scale option

    2. if you dont plan to make a lot of moveing stuff than it should work with no problem, look at the finished games with C2 to get a better view what can be done.

    3. No problem to make there is a tutorial for that too

    4. can be done, read the tutorial for mobile screen optimazing

    5. can be done with the IAP plugin (included in C2 persornal and business version)

    6. sounds great

    7. can be done with different layouts and so on, there are some posebilitys for this

    i hope your questions are answered now

  • sorry maybe this answer sounds sh*tty but...

    Read this:

    everything you want for your project can be made with construct 2, just start with your project and read the tutorials. If you have any questions that you cant find in the tutorials or the manual than just be free to ask here in the forums.

  • it has something to do with your button object, if a replace it with a sprite object everything works great

  • hey,

    I am nearly at the end of my game and want it to publish on google play.

    But i can not decide what programm i should use phonegap or crosswalk?

    What are the differences and which is better to use or has more function etc.

    I just want to upload my game on googleplay

  • Why does this not work?


    If i press the button its starting the music again as an over stack and not toggle play/stop

  • yes that would work to

  • post capx file please

  • you have to check the last sprite for its postion, like if the position gets more than Y-100, you just disable that the touch can controll the sprite movement.

    You must add this as "another condition" on your event that that controlls the menu movement

  • you need to make an everything to a physical object, but then becomes you 8 direction tool useless.

    For player moveing you need to use custom movement and let him accelrate in the direction that it pressed.

    This will be very tricky and you will loose a lot of performance

  • Try Construct 3

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  • you just need to work with variables


    Read this:

    and this

  • copy-paste the object to the new layout, if you make changes on the object on layout 1 it will change the object on layout 2 too

  • how can i disable text wrapping on the text object?

    TextBox with css isnt an option for me

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