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  • Hello!

    Looking for a solution on how to remove the flashing cursor from a textbox?

    I have set up the box so that when player types, a spritefont is printed instead of the text being typed - (the box is not visible since its set to black by CSS style. But the flashing cursor/caret is still visible.

    the layout is currently set to a black background, (the whole layer will eventually be used as a semi transparent name entering field), so cannot just changes it colour. I want it dead!

    Is it a CSS style or something? well annoying... I would do a quick capx but I'm using custom sf's

  • I understand, thanks for trying to help. Yes I'm putting it down to learning curve for now, ive done a few simpler games using identical events to the ones used for those menus... They all work great, it's as soon as I try to go beyond an example idea to a proper game that I run into frame rate issues.

    I left out the green laser ray section (it was disabled anyway) the fps remains with or without it though.

    I just meant a few simple lerping titles and simple button touch functions, nothing fancy.

    I'm going to triple check the main level code again and will post anything that comes up.

    Thanks again.

  • Well it runs at 60 in all browsers when debugging/previewing, it's the iPad testing that is the issue, so safari?

    I have a few additive and warp effects on lasers but nothing too much. I made sure to check z order and keep all the additive and particles on same layer. Oh and several particles which are all set to destroy (object count reflects this). I have a rotating laser which looks as though it would be the first culprit but have tried with it disabled and still the fps.

    I just exported (html5) and tested out. It runs at 40 in chrome now, so have lost 20 somehow. plus only 8-17 fps when on iPad. Generally 4-7 whilst the ship is "moving"! So even if it was for Web only I have a problem.

    To test on iPad I download from a Dropbox link and select "add to home screen" - it's un-playable still and with chrome on the PC achieving a mere 40fps after export -I am now concerned.

    I have not yet decided to pay Apple the annual fee, so cannot export with Cordova or Intel XDK. Is that correct?

    Is there no way of just exporting as an iPad app (for Dev testing only) which could then be dumped into iTunes and synced to the iPad? I tried all the older tutorials on here and set show depreciated exporters but haven't found anything that may help.

    Should also mention I'm still running C2 Beta 210, pretty desperate for the stable release but I started out that project using it.

  • I had a lot of screen shots so chose several and zipped them, including the events for the menus, let me know if anything vital has been missed out in my confusion... ...


  • Try to post some screenshot of the menu code and the debugger especially the system tab and the profile window. Don't think anyone can help you unless they have at least something to relate to.

    Thanks nimos100

    Of course, I am currently taking some screen shots of the debugger now.

    In the meantime, the debugger is telling me that;

    On running menu (1st time) fps is 7, the cpu being 4%, only 120 objects which are stars slowly scrolling.

    In game it remains at 2-7, increases to around 18fps until you die and restart (which goes back to Main Menu)


    When you return to the Main Menu, fps dramatically raises to 60, and you can restart Level1 playing on the iPad at the correct 60fps.EDIT. A maximum of 24 it seems.

  • Perhaps someone could help me with a now reoccurring (and frustrating!) problem:

    I have two (nearly) completed games that need menus (Main Menu & Options) - both run at 60 frames per second without trouble on the iPad retina on which I am testing.

    I minute I add menu and options layouts (with corresponding event sheets) into the projects,

    And test them out, the fps drops to an unplayable 8-10 frames per second.

    I have debugged my code, cleaned everything up best I can, including deleting unused objects and following the cpu/fps troubleshooter guide in the manual (or is it on the forum?) - some handy good to know tips there, but the problem remains and all I can figure is it seems to be adding layouts??

    FYI after retesting both games minus the menus, with the clean ups, I see no improvement to fps or performance currently, one game (fast moving space shooter) seemed liked it could handle almost anything you chucked at it - 300 or so objects would still run at 60fps on iPad.

    My menus and options are all prior tested, legit and pretty simple so am unsure why they interfere.

    Finding the debug process tricky since all my changes seem to make no difference to the fps.

    I'm sure it's straight forward... I hope.

    Have a deadline for tomorrow, so any help gratefully received.

  • You need to re upload your capx as it says cannot preview/open

    Sounds like a job for Finite State Machines -

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Me too!

    Whilst we're on the subject of 'potentially NOT bugs it's just me' can you confirm that the 'replace' shortcut is working as it should? I could of sworn that when pressing R on ANY event condition or action, that the entire object menu should become available to switch out? Currently, I find around a 30-50% chance that the condition or action will allow a replace (unless it's me once again overlooking the full scope of that feature? thanks

  • What do you mean about "Z Order Bug in this version- mainly that its unusable now" ?

    Have you made a proper bug report following the guidelines ?

    I used R210 during last week end for a game jam making heavy use of Z ordering and haven't had issues as far as I could tell.

    Hi Kyatric, I'm glad you pulled me up on this- after trying to replicate the issue I was having, (couldn't seem to view more than one item in the order) today I realise that I wasn't clicking on the layout margin to access entire Z order list!

    My bad...

  • That worked! I was so close. I just added 180+ to the mirrored (direction = 180) random angle expression.. To others, either of the fixes are ok. And thanks for the explanation.

    I find that the mirror function does work, as long as the 0 image point origin is set to the MIDDLE. Also using direction as a variable in conjunction works nice too.

    I'd been staring at a crosshair with 270-0-90-180 written on it all day haha.

    Thank you so much guys!

    Also I must say a massive thanks to the Scirra Team - simply awesome software that you are no doubt extremely proud of. It has been life changing, seriously.

    I can't wait for Construct 3 (I have to Bootcamp right now) and PLEASE keep it 2D!

  • I want to add a bullet spray. I know how to correctly mirror bullets/player normally.

    I added a variable to the bullet called spreadFactor and set it to 5. I was pretty pleased with myself to figure out the following, using 'random' for bullets angle of motion:


    PlayerProjectile: Set Bullet Angle Of Motion to;

    random(-playerProjectile.spreadFactor, playerProjectile.spreadfactor)

    This nicely sprays the bullets when firing, adjusting the angle up and down.

    However, when I face to the LEFT, the bullets spray (and shoot) to the right still. Despite my variables setup which state which way the Player is mirrored and facing 180 or 0.

    I have tried (most) of the obvious, including reading the manual, mirroring/direction/flipping and experimenting with Object Angle Vs Bullet Angle, which have had mixed results - so please do check the CAPX

    I am running beta 210. Would this matter? I have noticed a Z Order Bug in this version- mainly that its unusable now.

    I have a feeling its something really obvious that I am going to kick myself for, just a bit off today, and I would be forever grateful to the person who can help.


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