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    Ah, there comes the "Nobody forces you to upgrade" team. Please read my posts. What the hell are you talking about a gym membership ? I talked about hobbyist developers, I don't see how it compares to exercise. We're talking about a tool, not gym. Do you pay a yearly license to use a hammer, nails, screwdrivers, saw, etc. when your hobby is building things but not selling them for a living ?

    I paid a one-time license for C2, now they judge it costs too much for them to improve it, so they ask us to gladly pay a subscription each year if we still want to do our hobby with the new tools. That's just unfair.

    Missed this important part earlier, but :

    We're a small software company, and supporting software forever is just too expensive and difficult.

    Maybe. Now are you aware that it's the exact same situation for C2 users ? We're hobbyists, and supporting your product buying upgrades forever is just too expensive and difficult. So ?

    Again, I won't talk for pros since I'm not a pro user and maybe they're happy with the subscription plan. But the switch is just impossible for hobbyists. I'd be curious to know a few stats actually : hobbyists who upgraded, hobbyists happy with subcscription, pros happy with subcscription...

    supporting software forever is just too expensive and difficult

    As much as some will bite on those who rant, saying "Nobody forces you to upgrade" (as is the case for any software with paid-for upgrades), I'd say C2 users never asked you to upgrade to a point that you would release a new version totally different from the previous one, incompatible with the previous one, with a stupid subscription scheme. And nobody told you to abandon every old users with a "pay or leave" situation.

    It's just plain disrespect toward your loyal users.

    You just constantly seem to hide behind your 10-year argument, but it's not valid. Other (though not necessarily bigger) companies still support 10+ year old products, some even do it for free.

    It's just unilateral, stupid decisions, that simply show how you don't care about your loyal users. Many companies, big or small, tend to do that more and more, sadly.

    I'm in the same situation as R0J0hound and dayle85, but it really makes me angry and sad when I read the last paragraph of Ashley's post :

    Construct 2 was supported for over 10 years, but no software lasts forever, and the time has come to move on. We'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has supported Construct over the years. Thank you for being a Construct user, and we hope you enjoy using Construct 3 too!

    "Move on" just means "OK, we abandon you here, but thanks for your money". I mean, the license wasn't cheap - I guess that among C2 owners, there are more hobbyists than pro developers.

    Now, honestly, there are quite a few software companies that released software long ago, and their product eventually got old, but even though, they didn't simply let down their users to switch to a new version that they had to pay in full although they already paid the first license in full.

    Since the announcement of the retirement of C2, I've been bitter about Scirra's attitude and unwilling to change their price scheme. The "one free year" is really more of a joke than anything, to be honest. It's just pretending not to let us down, though they know (many of us expressed it) that the pay-per-year is stupid. Maybe it's very good and suits professionals, but a hobbyist, by definition, won't be using C3 every month. Subscription-based software is a stupid concept anyway. I don't know if it's just fear against piracy or something... Anyway. Since Scirra don't want to hear from C2 anymore, well, apart from open sourcing it, there will still remain a bunch of old users who will rant forever.

    It's just sad.

  • I'm stuck with the same problem. I'd like to develop apps/games on Samsung smart watches using Construct 2, but every tutorial I found shows an export window with a "Tizen" option that has since disappeared.

    Is there any way to export C2 projects to Tizen ?

  • Indeed, I've just checked the timestamp of the file I had downloaded : about one hour earlier than the update...

    I installed the update... and everything works perfectly.

    Sigh... Why didn't I even bother going to the download page again in case it had been fixed, and why did I rush to create a useless topic instead ?

    Thanks a lot, Zenox !

  • Problem Description

    Previewing a project in Firefox always raises an error.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Create or open a project
    • Hit F5 (preview)

    Observed Result

    I get the following error :

    [quote:17cdvld7]Javascript error!

    TypeError: log is not a function

    http://localhost:50000/glwrap.js, line 554 (col 4)

    This may be a bug in Construct 2 or a third party plugin or behavior - please report it to the developer following the bug report guidelines. Subsequent errors will be logged to the console.

    Expected Result

    A working preview of my project <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    Here's line 554 in my glwrap.js file :

    log("Shader '" + name + "' log: " + infoLog);[/code:17cdvld7]
    If I'm not mistaken, it should read [b]console.log[/b] instead of [b]log[/b] alone.
    [b]Affected Browsers[/b]
        [li] Chrome: not tested
        [/li][li] FireFox: YES
        [/li][li] Internet Explorer: not tested[/li][/ul]
    [b]Operating System and Service Pack[/b]
    Windows 8
    [b]Construct 2 Version ID[/b]
    Construct 2 r248
  • Well blackhornet, this is such a great tool ! And a huge time saver too...

    Thanks a lot !

    Zebbi Not sure if you have found in the meantime, but what are you looking for exactly ?

    I'm trying to make a spritefont that has the height of 7 pixels on the lower characters using the outlined version of this font: dafont.com/onesize.font but it always comes out missing bits, and I have to use version 1 to do it without anti-aliasing. Any idea how I can get this done?

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Alright then. Looks quite complicated but, well... If only they would update C2 to make the export process easier !...

    Thanks a lot for your quick reply anyway !

  • Well, I won't use C3 because of their weird choice of a yearly subscription system.

  • So where are we on this subject in 2017 ? I'm going to purchase a personal license but if publishing to iOS and Android platforms is all but easy, I'll reconsider my investment...

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