137660920Hao's Recent Forum Activity

  • This is a very good suggestion and I really hope it can be implemented

  • This is a problem that must occur. I have tested multiple devices and this problem will occur. They are all randomly found online c3 games for testing. You can test it. I hope this problem can be solved. I will submit it later feedback.

    This is a problem that must occur. I have tested multiple devices and this problem will occur. They are all randomly found online c3 games for testing. You can test it. I hope this problem can be solved. I will submit it later feedback.

  • Without more details, I would guess these are graphics driver bugs on the device. That's usually the cause of display glitches. If it was Construct itself doing something wrong, then generally that would look wrong on all devices, as it runs identical code on all platforms; if something is only broken on one kind of device, that usually means a problem with that device.

    Using the R250 version of C3 and changing the operating mode to c2 will not cause this problem, so it should not be a device problem. I have tested many devices for this problem and it is almost certain.

  • This is the screen of android 10

  • Thank you very much for your reply. I have asked many friends about the problem of disordered layers. They have encountered it. The reproduced project does not have any operation codes, and only a few sprites are put on it.

    I randomly found a few h5 online games and tested them all. The following is the link of the game and the test results.


    Android 7

  • Yes, not just layers, but other inexplicable rendering issues. I found it on Android 7 and 8. How to solve this problem? . For example, the left side of this picture is android 10, and the right side is android 7, there will be such a difference

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  • Figure 1 is the running result of android 10

    Figure 2 is the running result of android 7. The graphics and layers will be confused

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