iac249's Recent Forum Activity

  • Here's the latest screenshot of the dungeon crawler I'm working on.

  • You might want to try using instance variables and set their values to true/false. then check the value before executing the overlap logic.

    Alternatively, this might be where you can use families as well and put the physics objects you want to process in a family.

  • There's a mode7 effect you can find by searching the forums.

    Thanks! I'll give this a try.

  • There is nothing in effects, and it appears there is no native support in Construct 2. I've seen posts on sprites, but surely there is a plugin or addon that can skew a layer? This seems like an important and basic feature.

  • Hi You might find useful.

    Thanks. I also found this under performance tips in the manual:

    [quote:8of65nab]Not placing all used objects in the layout

    If objects are not placed in a layout but are created by events, Construct 2 will load the textures for those objects the moment you create them. This can cause a momentary pause or "jank" and make the game feel less responsive. This can be avoided by placing any used objects in the layout. They can be placed off-screen and destroyed on startup to avoid interfering with the gameplay. Then Construct 2 will preload all their textures when the layout starts, avoiding any "jank" as they are created and destroyed at runtime.

    Since there will be many levels and not all mobs are encountered at every level, it seems better to break them up into specific sprites instead of one with all the animations attached to prevent unneeded animations from being loaded into memory.

  • I have a question on which approach has the least negative impact on performance. I'm working on an rpg. I've a list of a dozen or so possible mobs that can roam the game. Each type of mob will have about 24 animations associated with it. Is it better (performance wise) to have a different sprite for each mob type and then load the 24 animations into it, or have one sprite and load all the mob animations into it and then just use something like an instance variable to classify which mob type (and animation set) to display?


  • I've get the issue as well in the isometric rpg I'm working on. So far I've only addressed the problems minimally with the idea I'll get back to it once I have the game play programmed with their respective assets. Optimization is usually something that comes last and only to the extent it's needed. In the back of my mind this may mean reducing the scrolling by introducing smaller levels, but just more of them. I may also remove the Scroll-To behavior and implement some scrolling logic that only executes only if the character reaches the edge of the screen.

    I agree it's annoying, but I've been programming long enough to expect these kinds of issues with development tools, and part of the art of programming is finding creative ways to work around them.

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  • I'm going to rework the image quality of the character sprite....he's much too pixelated. Also some z-order tweaking (as you can see with some of the pottery).

  • Still a huge amount of work to go, but here's what I have so far!


  • I think I may have fixed the problem via a hack....I changed the collision condition to overlapping and added a second condition which was a collision with the wall sprite. After that it works properly. Although I think it should have in the first version as well.

  • This may be a bug in the "Move to Object" action...please see the attached demo file. My goal is to set the z-order of the character so it appears either in front of or behind the wall as he moves around. Everything seems to work well except the top wall sprite when the character move in front of it. Construct 2 still renders him behind the wall despite the even I have set up.

    Any workaround?



  • Thanks, fisholith. I think that is my best bet. Now it's a matter of sorting out the Z order issues.

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Member since 14 Oct, 2014

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