Okay, I would like to start this discussion short and eventually it will get longer overtime...
As a start, I'm very sure not all agree to this so making this feature optional would be fair for both sides.
But if performance loss / loading time is very significant, I don't think we have any need for this feature.
Talking about protection, YES it's not perfect and YES you will always be able to steal data by some dark mean BUT:
1) It won't be as easy as unzipping a rar file, so most of auto proclaimed 12 year old hacker won't be able to do much
2) Yes people will always be able to take screenshots and record audio in order to steal data, but again, it will be much harder
3) If they manage to crack encryption, then it means that they worked quite a bit to get there, and at this point, just let them take some of your assets as a reward of their time spent stealing them, and if they ever use them in a manner you don't like, just strike them. They'd have spent several hours to steal assets to get blocked in the end. Most people would give up at this point.
Lets not forget #4:
4) If the Pro Hacker finally finds a way to decipher the encryption, everything is already pointless. Like the C2 community, there are also
hacking communities. It means that 12 year old hacker wannabes can finally show off what they learned on youtube.com.
This feature is debatable but not very compelling.