R0J0hound, I need your great help again. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">
I'm trying to implement an alternative aleatory paths system to a game based on the simple_path_follow.capx you posted here.
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/542 ... ollow.capx
I'm trying to do this:
I believe that the right way to do this is by identifying the black circles through UID, but I cannot implement it. For this, I left the black dots that make up the parallel paths with equal values in the variable "n".
So I tried (unsuccessfully) to do their own event to redirect the avatar, making the following changes:
Set group "Move" deactivated (group Move contains the original trail movement events)
Add 1 to target
Set dist2target to distance (self.X, Self.Y, Dot (choose (30,31)). X, Dot (choose (30,31)). Y)
Set calc_angle to floor (angle (oldX, oldy, Dot (choose (30,31)). X, Dot (choose (30,31)). Y))
And to set back the avatar to follow the track again:
 Set group "Move" activated
Thank you very much if you can help me again, dude!