fbarba11's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hi there. Im making an artillery worms style game, but i want the terrain to be made out of sprites with physics.

    I wonder if Q3D can handle 500+ sprites with physics better than the native Box2D (i mean, better enough to justify buying it)


  • http://store.steampowered.com/app/435600/

    <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • Congrats on the successful greenlight looks good. I'll have to pick it up sometime.

    Thanks mate! Pick it up, or i will make you pick it up!

  • Thank you guys!

    is there a free demo ?

    Sorry, there isn't. But im planning to upload one to the Steam Store soon.

  • Hello folks! i present my game, My Tower My Home, for sale on Steam:



    Of course, its made with C2

    Fight tooth and nail to defend the tower core –your home! In ‘My Tower, My Home’ (MTMH) players put themselves in the shoes of an unnamed hero to resist hordes of brutal mechanic enemies that will do the impossible to destroy your home. Kill enemies, gain gold and experience, buy upgrades, buy tower defenses, and build a strategy to counterattack.

    MTMH features a cooperative mode for two players in which our hero fights alongside Sommybot, a support droid character equipped with the most sophisticated technology. The style of play of the coop mode is designed to require a great synergy between players’ abilities. United, you will never be defeated!

    Characters are highly customizable in abilities and skills and both the hero and the droid have their own perk tree. This system gives the game a more RPG-like feeling and multiplies the possible strategies for the game in a great way.

      Main Features: 1-2 players mode 3 Difficult levels 7 Enemy types (with variations) 5 Hero upgrades 5 Hero weapons 7 Turrets 8 Tower upgrades 44 passive perks Infinite strategies Infinite fun (just kidding, you’ll get bored after some hundreds of hours)
  • I found the problem, it was a corrupted .PNG. It was indeed about the red loader. Thaks for your help!

  • I just noticed that the loader bar of the exporte games is red. But for others games, (and in test mode) is blue.

    That red loading bar means something? I googled it, but i didnt find something helpful.

  • Hi there, i just finished my game in C2, but i have a big problem.

    The exported versions of my game doesn´t start. I exported the game as Node webkit or HTML5 and uploaded it to the web, but the game loader get freezed around 90%.

    When i test the game with the "Run Layout" option, everything goes perfect, but in the exported versions it just get freezed.

    I have this problem only with this game, i made another smaller games and everything is ok.

    The problem is located in the "game" layout, i mean, the game have 3 layouts, (main menu, game, endgame). If i export the game without the "game" layout, i have no problems, so at least i know that is a problem with an specfic layout.

    I cant figure what it is. Any tip where i can start looking?

    Here is a trailer of my game i did frapping from the test version on the browser.

    My Tower, My Home:

    Thanks in advance!

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Member since 22 Sep, 2014

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