I'm currently working on an RPG project that includes a warping mechanism to move the player between different layouts. I'm experiencing an issue where the player gets teleported to the "door" in the new layout correctly, but then glides back to the default spawn point set in the editor. I think it might have something to do with the tile movement overriding the set position command and forcing it to glide back to the expected position? The logic is in "base_warp" event sheet.
Here is the project if you would like to have a look: drive.google.com/file/d/1eY28lHmazoxU1uEY4jMqV-Th3isY5VrN/view
The only warp point I have currently set up is the one that goes from "calmtown" to "mysteryforest" (east from calmtown, west from mysteryforest).
I am not sure if I am missing something. I am relatively new to Construct 3. Thank you if you are able to help!